Page 57 of Ruby Mayhem

“I can’t believe you just said that.” I shake my head.

“I’m just saying it like it is, Tiana. A lot of girls would jump at what you’ve got going on here.” She gives a shrug.

“Jump at the chance to live with a monster who buys and kills people and enjoys it?”

“He’s a mobster, Tee; that’s not the same. Some of us can tell the difference.”

I stare at her for a second, trying to process her words. I know Roxy grew up with shit like this; maybe it’s that. Maybe she’s just become desensitized. That saddens me somehow. When I speak to her again, my voice is gentler. “Just come with me, babe. It’ll work out.”

“No, it won’t. If I go with you, I’ll be your accomplice. You might get a second chance, but me? I’ll be toast.” She pulls a face.

“That won’t happen. I’ll make sure of that.”

Roxie shakes her head vigorously.

“Please, Rox.” I grip her shoulder and look into her eyes. “Please!”

She draws a deep breath in through flaring nostrils. “I’m not going with you Tee. I can’t get involved in this. I’m sorry.”

We stare each other for a moment that seems like an eternity. I can’t really blame her for not wanting to come. If she does, she could find herself in a world of trouble, just like me. But if she stays, Kirill will eventually let her go. She’s my guest anyway, not his.

“Fine,” I finally say. “Just tell them when you woke up, I was gone. I’ll be in your debt forever.”

“You do know what this means, right?” She narrows her eyes. “You’re gonna be on the run from the Bratva forever. We might never see each other again. Your life as you know it is over.”

“It was over before I got here, Roxie. And I’ll find a way to contact you. It might take some time, but I will.” We lock eyes for a moment.

She exhales. “God-fucking-dammit. Fine! I’ll cover for you. But if I ever see you again, you owe me fucking big time!”

I lean in for a hug before she can change her mind. “Thank you, Rox. Thank you so much!” I get on my feet and rush to the window, to see if there’s anyone in the yard. It’s eerily quiet. Kirill’s thugs are probably busy cleaning up the blood in the basement. I gulp. All I have to do is walk through the corridor, get downstairs and cross the hallway to get to the East Wing where Irina lives.

“I still think this is the stupidest idea you’ve ever had.” Roxie stands right behind me. I feel her brushing against my back as I shove the window open and peer out. “And I mean, even stupider than the time you thought it would be a good idea to eat an entire jar of spicy peppers in one sitting.”

“I need to get to the East Wing, Rox,” I tell her. “From there, I can get down on one of the drainpipes and move through the garden. If I stick to the shadows and reach the treeline, I’ll be fine. There are no cameras after that. If I get over the perimeter wall, I’ll be free.”

“Free?” she scoffs. “Yeah, those peppers were downright genius compared to this.”

“I can do it, Roxie.” I straighten, my voice firm. “I never wanted any of this Bratva stuff. I have to do it.”

“Okay.” She gives me another hug and watches me as I close the door behind me. “Crazy bitch,” she mutters.

“I love you, Rox.” I manage a tight smile before slipping into the darkness of the corridor. And then my heart is thundering in my chest as I try, yet again, to evade Kirill Vyronov.

In less then five minutes, I’m back where I came from, in the hallway downstairs. There’s still a faint light seeping from the direction of the basement, where I was a little more than half an hour ago. I wonder why Kirill never came after me, but it’s probably for the best. He’s probably still cleaning the blood off his hands. My stomach churns at the thought.

Don’t think of that now, Tee.

Just get to the East Wing and hit the road jack.

As quietly and as quickly as I can, I dash through to the other side of hallway. Having spend so many afternoons with Irina, I know exactly how to get to the East Wing. And I know exactly where the safest exit point is.

I close another door behind me, and run up the stairs, past Irina’s living quarters.

You’re doing great, Tee.

Almost there.

In less than two minutes, I’m standing in a room, similar to Roxie’s. The darkness of the night is almost inviting as it stares back at me through the open window. I clamber over to the outter ledge and look down. A fall from here wouldn’t be fatal, but it wouldn’t be fun either. All I have to do now is climb down the drainpipe and I’ll be on my way.