Page 55 of Ruby Mayhem


Why did I go down there?

I curse my stupidity for leaving the bedroom. I’d been so sure I had to tell him about the baby that I couldn’t sleep. I was convinced I’d find him at his desk and that I could surprise him with the news. Instead, I found him in a dark basement, brutally torturing, then killing someone. Right in front of me.

Now my heart thuds in my chest as I sprint down the dimly lit corridor, the sound of my own ragged breathing drowned out by the pounding in my ears. I can’t believe what I just saw. I can’t!

Kirill Vyronov, the man I thought I was falling for, just brutally tortured and killed someone without an ounce of remorse. It’s not like I didn’t know who he is. It’s not like I didn’t know that he has blood on his hands. I did. But this time, I learned something about him.

He enjoyed it.

The image of his face, twisted with rage and thrill, is seared into my mind’s eye. I can’t unsee it. And now, all I can think about is getting as far away from him as possible. There’s no way I can raise a child with someone like him.

Sweet Jesus, I feel sick!

A wave of nausea washes over me as my hand instinctively goes to my stomach, all the way down to where my baby is growing inside me. A precious life. A child I’d planned to raise with this man. But I can’t think about that now. Not when Kirill could be right behind me.

“Tiana!” His shout confirms my suspicion. I speed up my frantic pace, grateful for the years of track that were a part of my school career. I keep waiting for the sound of footsteps behind me, or for another shout to try and stop me. It doesn’t matter that the rich sound of his voice still tightens my chest. He’s a monster. A monster who will kill to get the information he wants.

Information about some woman.

Who the fuck was he talking about?

Who is “her”?

Not that it matters. I need to get away from here as soon as possible. I don’t know how, but I have to.

I keep running, streaking up the sweeping staircase, and bolting down the hallway to the guest wing. Roxie opens her door seconds after I start banging on it.

“Babe! What the-?” She’s in a skimpy red satin nightdress that barely covers her abundant breasts. An equally skimpy red robe is draped over the top. But now is not the time for me to be questioning her wardrobe choices.

“Lock the door!” I gasp, flinging myself into her room and racing to the bed.

“What the fuck are you doing, Tiana?”

“I said lock the door!” I half yell. She does as I say and then turns back to me, approaching me cautiously.

“Did he hurt you?”

“No. He… I…”

What do I tell her?

“Do you need me to call the police? Or would that be…” Pointless is the word she’s looking for. It would be pointless and Roxie seems to realize that as she trails off.

“You know very well they won’t help.” I tell her, then squeeze my eyes shut.

“Okay, okay.” She sighs. “Just tell me what to do.”

I sink down onto the bed so abruptly that I hit the mattress with a thud. Roxie sits beside me.

“Talk to me, Tee. What’s going on?”

I rub my face with both hands and then turn tormented eyes toward her. “I just saw him kill someone, Rox.”

“Jesus.” She stares at me. “Like… for real? Bam. Dead?”

“For real. Bam. Dead.” I gulp.