Page 46 of Ruby Mayhem

Roxie clears her throat, straightens her clothes, then gives a broad smile as she extends her hand toward Kirill. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Vyronov.”

Mr. Vyronov, my captor, my lover, and the man I’m growing increasingly infatuated with, steps up in front of my best friend, before gingerly taking her hand to return the gesture.

“The pleasure is all mine,” he says gruffly before turning back to me. “Are you ready to show your friend around?”

Gosh, why does he have this effect on me, even now?

I nod, suddenly feeling lighter than I have in weeks. Whatever might happen next, it feels like having my best friend around will make everything easier to deal with. “I’ll give her the grand tour,” I tell him.

“Good.” He dips his chin slightly, looking from me to her, and then back again. “I am sure you two have a lot to catch up on. I will see you later.” Without another word, he turns and leaves. It’s only when he’s gone that I realize that Roxie is watching his departure as intently as I am. Probably for different reasons. I’m checking out his ass.

“Holy hell, girl!” she half-shrieks when he’s out of sight. “Is that man fine, or is he F-I-N-E fine?”

“Shhh!” I hiss at her, my cheeks suddenly feeling like they’re flooded with blood.

“What? I can’t voice my appreciation for prime beef in this place?” She sweeps an arm. There’s a man standing in the doorway who is looking everywhere but at us.

“Not here,” I mutter; I love my friend, but sometimes she’s a little too much. “Everyone can hear us, you dork!”

“Right!” Roxie says brightly. “You gonna lead me to my chambers, milady? It’s time to get this party started.” She links her arm through mine, then raises an eyebrow as one of Kirill’s well-dressed thugs steps up silently to gather her luggage. “Fancy,” she mouths silently to me as the liveried man heads up the staircase ahead of us. We follow a few feet behind, with me pointing out rooms and amenities as we head to her guest suite. Roxie seems uncharacteristically impressed - but who could blame her? The place is like something out of a lifestyle magazine.

“Thank you, Pyotr,” I say to the man with Roxie’s bags once he’s deposited them inside the room. He disappears silently, leaving the two of us standing there. Roxie doesn’t stop staring around until the door closes.

“Oh. My. God, Tee!” she shrieks once we’re alone. Kicking off her heels, she skips to the oversized bed and bounces onto it like a kid. “Look at this place!”

I give a wry smile. “Yeah, something, isn’t it?”

“Something? Holy shit, girl! You’ve really landed with your ass in the butter here.” She stops bouncing and flops back against a giant mound of pillows, grinning at me.

I raise a shoulder. “Doesn’t mean I’m not property, though.” I feel my smile slipping as my reality strikes again. “He owns me. Remember? Although I still don’t know how that’s possible in 2024, but here we are.”

“You mean that giant hunk of alpha male heat we just saw outside?” Roxie sits up on the bed and crosses her legs. “Jesus, Tiana. I had no freaking idea he’d look like that. You said he was hot, but… this is next level.” She shakes her hand and blows on her fingers. “That man is nothing but fire and raw testosterone.”

I almost burst out laughing. She does make a good point, though.

Roxie grins wickedly at me, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “You know what, Tee? If you don’t want to be with him, I can trade places with you.” She winks.

“Shut up, Rox!” I giggle, but I can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy. The thought of Roxie being with Kirill is… unsettling. “I think I’ll stick with my current situation.”

For now.

She rolls her eyes and throws a pillow at me playfully. “Whatever you say, Miss High and Mighty.” We both laugh as she settles back onto the bed, looking around in awe once more.

I take a deep breath and decide to change the subject before I lose my nerve. “Hey, Rox,” I say softly, sitting down next to her on the bed. “Did you remember to bring what I asked you for?”

“Of course, I did.” Her expression has grown serious. “You’re sure, though? That you need it?”

I pinch my lips and nod my head.

“It’s in my purse.” She points to where she’s left it at the end of the bed. With slightly shaky hands, I reach for it and delve into the interior. It takes a minute of fumbling through lipstick tubes and gum wrappers before I find what I’m looking for.

“Is this the best brand?” I look at her.

“I dunno. A pregnancy test is a pregnancy test, surely?”

“You’re probably right.” I stare down at the bright pink box in my hand.

“I think you should get it over with.” Roxie has moved up beside me. She is kneeling on the mattress, one hand on my shoulder. “You know… just rip off the Band-Aid.”