Page 35 of Ruby Mayhem

“No… I mean yes…”

“Yes or no?”

“Fuck… yes! Kirill… yes!”

“Good girl. Now you come.” I know that my smile has a touch of victory in it but she doesn’t seem to care. I have her face in my hand, and I hold it steady as I look into her eyes when her body starts to shudder. The sudden spasming of her pussy as she gives a hoarse cry is enough to take me over the brink with her.

“Vyyebat’!” It feels like electric jolts ripple up my shaft as I empty my load into the depths of her. “Blyad…” I groan as the sensation takes me. Tiana whimpers and writhes as I hold her waist firmly to keep her impaled on my pulsing cock until the shocks begin to subside. I fight for air, the muscles of my neck corded with the exertion. Still, she hasn't broken eye contact - just as I instructed - and there’s something in that darkness that calls to me in a way that is unsettling.

As we begin to come down, Tiana rests her forehead against mine, her breath warm on my cheek as she brushes her lips against mine. The moment is almost too intimate, but I don’t end it as I should.

I like this. Why, I cannot say. Just that it is a feeling that I could grow used to. If I was a weaker man.

When she finally lifts her head, her expression has changed to something a little more resolute than the wanton woman I fucked so hard. I shouldn’t be surprised when she asks her next question - so I’m not.

“What’s that all about back there? In that room… that woman?” She tilts her head, curiosity coloring her features.

I look at her for a moment, considering what I’m about to tell her. “Nothing that concerns you.”

“Kirill,” she presses, cupping my jawline with her palm. “It can’t be that bad, surely? I mean, she looks like a sweet lady, and you obviously care for her.”

“I told you, this is none of your concern, Tiana.” I keep my tone firm, but it’s difficult to be tough on her when my entire body is still flushed with pleasure hormones.

“You know that I’m going to find out sooner or later, right? If you expect me to live here, it’s only a matter of time before I figure out anyway. Why not just tell me now and get it over with?” She pinches her lips together.

Blyad. She has a point. And do I really have the patience for her questions? Or waste time trying to stop her from going to that room again?

“She is my mother,” I exhale.

Her mouth drops open. “The woman I saw is your mother?”

“Da.” I trail a fingertip down her cheek where a bead of sweat is trickling.

“But… why is she there?” Tiana frowns, her brow furrowing in confusion.

“She is not well.” I heave a breath. Fuck, it is hard for me talk about this. And why do I even bother telling her? It’s not like I owe her an explanation. But talking comes easier when I have just been balls-deep in the warm, wet haven of her pussy.

“I… Yes.” Tiana nods. “I could see that something was wrong.” She pinches her lips together. “What’s going on with her?”

“Dementia.” I say the word simply even though there’s a world of meaning in it. Because it’s a word that means that my mother has lost herself. Trapped in a darkness that she doesn’t understand. Neither do I. And even though I sometimes catch glimpses of her through the confusion, I know that she’s lost to me, too.

“Shit… I’m sorry, Kirill,” Tiana whispers. “When did it start?”

I shrug. “The doctors say it was probably already starting, but the rapid onset was triggered by trauma.” I gather myself to continue. “She was in an accident. The car went off the road in a storm. The rest of them didn’t make it.”

“The rest of them?”

“My father. My sister.” I shrug despite the pain this is still making me feel. “They went off the edge of a cliff. My father managed to get my mother out, then went back for my sister. The car went over the edge. Smashed into the ravine below while she watched them.” I turn my head away and clench my jaw. Why the fuck I told her this is beyond me. But it’s out.

Tiana sucks in a breath, then touches my face. “I’m so sorry,” she whispers.

I shrug again. “It’s life.” It hurts less to say it after the years that have passed. But the pain is still there. Although not enough to stop me from hardening once more as she presses to my side. I hook an arm around her waist and pull her firmly against me.

“I guess I understand. It happened with…” She trails off.

“Your father.”

She stiffens as I say it. The pain is still fresh, no doubt. “Yes. And my mother too. I think.”