Page 12 of Ruby Mayhem

Away from my father and the monster who thinks I’m his possession…

What if I can figure out a way to escape and make a run for it?

Would that make me a thief?

I lose sight of the passing houses as my mind begins to play with the idea. I could begin again, far away from Dad and his bullshit.

But how?

I’m going to have to be strong, just like Roxie said. I can live through this. Do what’s necessary, get my hands on that money, and then find a way out. If I don’t find an opportunity to escape, maybe I can negotiate my way to freedom. I just have to be smart, play my cards right. Do whatever I have to do.

Like give away my V card and fuck a complete stranger?

I rub a hand over my eyes; they’re burning. I feel like I haven’t slept for a lifetime.

Come on, Tiana.

You can do this.

I can. I know I can. I’m resourceful. Patient. I’ve learned to deal with heartbreak and disappointment. How much worse could this be?

Maybe he’s some kind of sick pervert.

Maybe he’ll expect—

I yank my thoughts away from that idea. I can’t leap to any conclusions before I know what I’m facing. But with a million dollars, I could live my own life the way I want to. So what if I have to do some things I don’t want to do? Lots of women have to do that anyway. Loveless marriages. Shitty bosses who grope their secretaries. The Me Too Movement didn’t start over nothing. It doesn’t make it right, but women face this sort of thing all the time. I can do it, too. And as soon as that cash is in my hands, I’ll find a way out and never look back. Gone from my father. Gone from my old life. And gone from Kirill Vyronov.

My shoulders straighten as I fill my lungs with expensive leather-scented air and drop my head back against the headrest.

This will be good.

I can do this. I-

The car comes to a stop, and I jerk upright. We’ve driven down a long driveway and drawn up outside a huge mansion.

My jaw drops.

The place is impossibly imposing. Tall and regal, its grand facade boasts multiple stories and towering columns. The sun gleams off of dozens of windows and the double doors of the entrance are made of rich, polished wood. The lawns are impeccably landscaped with vibrant flowers and lush greenery. My eyes feel huge as I take in the sheer size and opulence of the place.

This is my new home… at least until I get the hell out of here.

I’m glad my driver is quiet again because I’m speechless. The door opens and he waits as I swing my legs out and slide out of the car.

Holy shit!

“I’ll get your bags, miss,” the driver says, proving once again that he actually has a voice. I can’t summon the attention to be impressed with him. I’m too busy staring up at the huge double doors. I actually jump a little when they open, expecting to see the man who owns me. But the figure that emerges is of a thickset woman with mouse-blond hair pulled back into a severe bun.

“Miss Avants,” she says as if she’s been expecting me. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Anya. Come with me.” Her voice is brusque. Clipped off with rounded vowels. Russian. Of course, she’s Russian. And now that I think about it, my so-called owner spoke the same way. Although his voice was very different. Deeper. Richer. I shiver, although the air is warm.

“You will come?” Anya presses, and I realize she’s still waiting for me.

“Um… of course,” I say, then try to move quickly up the stairs without feeling like I’m scampering.

Calmly, Tiana.

You’re a grown woman.

I reach the tall doors, take a deep breath, and step in. It’s hard not to do a double-take. The interior of the mansion is just as impressive as the outside. The entrance hall is grand and spacious, with marble floors and a sweeping staircase leading to the upper levels. Crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over everything. As I step inside, I feel like I’m in some kind of ridiculous palace. Who spends money like this? Who even has money like this? It’s inconceivable.