Page 11 of Ruby Mayhem


The scenery outside the tinted window of the limo is changing rapidly.

Cityscape is making way for suburbs, and eventually, to the wide lawns of opulent estates. I pull my attention away from the passing wrought iron gates and settle against the butter-soft leather of the upholstery. At least I’m traveling in style.

“How much further will we be going?” I ask the driver. Aside from a murmured greeting as he’d opened the door for me, the man hasn’t uttered a word. It’s making me edgy. I feel even edgier when he doesn’t reply to me.

“Hello! Anybody home?” I clench my teeth. This is pissing me off. “Hey! Would you like me to tell your boss how rude you were to me?”


The driver’s shoulders shift. “Not long now, miss. Maybe half an hour.”

“There. Was that so hard?”

The guy shrugs, keeping his eyes fixed firmly ahead.

Whatever. It’s not like I’m here to make friends or anything. I look out of the window again. The houses are getting increasingly stately; grand and imposing, with towering columns and intricate architectural details. Each one seems larger and more extravagant than the last, with perfectly manicured lawns and sweeping driveways. Each one has a sense of wealth and opulence, reflecting the elite status of its owners. Showing off wealth in the most tasteless display of one-upmanship. It turns my stomach.

However, one thing’s certain: if I’m going to be living in a place like one of these, it’ll certainly be comfortable. At least Roxie was right about that. And my dad won’t be able to dictate my life anymore.


Kirill Vyronov will be doing that from now on.

I huff out a breath and lift my chin. I’ve spent enough time moping and feeling sorry for myself. And that’s something that feels a little easier after my last conversation with my father.

“It’s going to be worth your while, Teetee,” he’d said. There’s been something almost like remorse in his eyes when he’d said it.

“Sure, Dad. Worth my while. Can’t wait.” I’d turned my back on him when the driver took my bag and stowed it in the trunk.

“I’m serious.” Dad had taken my arm and turned me to face him. “A million dollars, Tiana. That’s what you’ll get out of this.”

“Yeah. That’s what you’ll get out of it. A million dollars. The price you set on my head.”

“No, baby. He’s going to give you a million too. Just for you.”

I’d stared at him then, my mouth dropping open.

His answering smile had seemed pathetic in its eagerness. “So you see, this is going to be good, baby. For all of us. You’ll realize that soon.” I’d flinched when he’d put a hand on my shoulder, and he’d removed it quickly.

“Goodbye, Dad,” were the last words I’d said to him before sliding into the open door of the limo. I didn’t look back as we drove off, though I sensed he’d stayed there watching as the car drove into the distance.

I hope he felt like shit.

I hope he still does.

Fat chance of that.

But now, I find myself thinking of that conversation.

A million dollars?

Not that I’m the type who is hungry for money. I never was. But I wonder what a person could do with that kind of money. What if…

A fresh start…

A new life…