Lifting it to my nose, I inhaled deeply. Coconut and something sweetly floral. Maybe apricots. My body hardened.

Dropping the bear, I grasped blindly for a pillow, needing more of her smell. Pressing my nose deep, I scented her, my cock throbbing.


I barely contained the need to stroke myself. It would only take a few jerks, and I would blow. But I couldn’t taint her calming scent with my release.

Breathing through the pain in my cock, I found peace in the softness of her bed. Stretching out, I took a moment to look around, double-checking my cameras were out of sight from her. They were part of a new design that could go undetected by a scanner. It helped to have associates who dealt in things like stolen technology—and armed warfare—but I’d been designing my own since I was a teenager.

Several pictures around the room caught my attention. I’d only glanced at them earlier, but now I took the time to examine who was in each one. A framed photo beside the bed had Abi with her family. Her father’s supposedly famous smirk was absent as he stood with his daughters and wife. All I could read from his expression as he gazed at the camera was contentment.

Abi’s mother had her head on his shoulder, a similar smile on her face. She didn’t look her age and could have easily passed for the two girls’ older sister rather than their mom. Her arm was wrapped around Abi’s back, tucking her closer, while the father did the same with the younger sister.

All three St. Charles women were lovely, but it was Abi to whom my eyes were continually drawn.

Beside the family picture was another with Abi in it, this time with two different girls. A blonde stood in the middle, a tall brunette with wildly curly hair and dimples on her right. Abi stood to the blonde’s left, but they were all hugging as they gave the camera big grins. A third picture, with just Abi and the brunette, sat closest to her bed, the two of them on a beach in bikinis. I groaned at the sight of my wildfire in so little.

These were the people she loved most in the world. Her family and friends, who never had to doubt Abi’s love for them. I wanted a taste of that.

No. I wanted more than a taste. I wanted it all. Her love. Her affection. Her happiness. It was meant for me and only me.

Gritting my teeth, I caged the demon clawing inside my mind. If I wanted to keep Abi and make her happy, I would have to share her time and her affection with the others who were lucky to have her love. Locking her away to keep for myself could potentially make her cry.

I would not be the reason for her tears.


Which meant I needed to learn how to share—just a little bit.

My time was running out to explore her room. I took note of what books she was reading in her spare time. She had several paperbacks on the desk. Noticing the cover on the top one, I snatched it up. It was a historical romance type of book, with a shirtless blond man with long hair on the front. From the looks of it, the book itself was several decades old, but it had been handled with care.

Curious, I read the back of the book and then the backs of the other three still on the desk. Finding myself grinning, I searched through one of my phones until I had downloaded all four of the titles.

From the review I saw on one of them, it had lots of sex in it. Most of the one-star ratings complained about how dirty and despicable the intimate scenes were, which only made my grin bigger.

My wildfire liked naughty books with historical settings.


Tucking my phone away, I opened her closet door, the need for a souvenir too overwhelming to ignore. I saw a basket full of clean laundry that was folded but hadn’t yet been put away sitting on the floor. A tiny pair of pink panties was right on top. Not even bothering to keep the impulse in check, I grabbed them and tucked them into my pocket just as a reminder on another one of my phones alerted me it was time to go.

Scanning the space one last time, ensuring everything was back in its original spot, I quietly let myself out of the room. She would be done with studying soon, and I could see her again.

My heart rate kicked up, my cock straining against the confines of my slacks. I was minutes away from having my eyes on her again, and I felt as if I were starving for a single glance.




Walking into the coffee shop, I dropped my books on my favorite table by the window. It had the perfect view of the campus and the street, which meant I could people watch in between studying. There was already a line of people who still needed to order, so I sat and opened my textbook. But I couldn’t bring myself to go over the notes I needed to review before my first class later in the day.

My gaze kept straying out the window, skipping over each face in hopes of finding the one I wanted to see the most.

Professor Vaughn sometimes came into the coffee shop around this time, but even when he didn’t, I would catch a glimpse of him on his walk to his office. I felt like such a creeper, sitting there waiting for my daily fix. It wasn’t like I wouldn’t see him later. He was my history professor. I saw him for an hour every other day during the week. But it wasn’t enough.

I’d nearly swallowed my tongue the day he walked into my history class with the chancellor. After literally running into the man the day before, I’d spent hours unable to get him out of my mind. His brown eyes. His smell. The warmth that had spread through my body when he’d touched me. Professor Miller had left abruptly mid-semester, and Professor Vaughn was his replacement. It had been a relief not to have to deal with Miller and his creepy glances and the way he would sometimes brush against me.