Parting her with my thumbs, I twirled my tongue over her clit before sucking on it. Her hips bucked against me, but I locked her in place with one arm across her belly.

“Vaughn! Oh. Fuck. Don’t stop.” She twisted her fingers in my hair, pushing my head harder against her. “Oh! I love you. I love you.”

As soon as her first release hit her, I shoved off my pajama bottoms and climbed up her body. Notching my tip to her entrance, I thrust all the way in. Her walls clamped down around me, stars exploding in front of my eyes.

Crushing my mouth to hers, I swallowed her screams, my balls already drawing up. I didn’t feel the pain in my leg. There was only the euphoria of being inside her again. Too much. The pleasure was too goddamn much. I was never going to go without this woman again.

She wrapped her legs around my waist, meeting me thrust for thrust. I was already spilling seed, but the pressure in my cock wasn’t easing. There was no relief from the need pounding inside me, commanding me to mark her. To own her soul, because she was the keeper of mine.

Teeth bit into my bottom lip, her nails shredding my back, branding me. I would gladly walk around for the rest of my life with no shirt on, to show every man in the world what my sweet girl did to me when I was balls deep inside her haven.

Lifting my head, I met her gaze. “Marry me, zhizn moya. Make my world complete. Be my wife. I’ll wipe away the current marriage license. Whatever you want, it’s yours. But please, I beg of you, marry me.”

“Yes,” she cried.

A single, simple word that gave me the most important thing in the world.


My cock swelled inside her, triggering her second orgasm. With a shout, I exploded, thick ropes of come releasing deep inside her. Burying my face in her neck, I muffled my bellow as the noise in my head finally went quiet.



Samara sat mutinously at the table, her fingers drumming beside her glass of wine as she glared at the opposite wall. Elias sat beside her, his good arm draped over her chair as he murmured softly to her in an attempt to keep her crazy in check.

I didn’t know how to appease her, not when doing so would upset Abi. Tonight was for my wildfire and no one else.

She wanted to get married, something quick and small, but she also wanted our families to be a part of it. Which, to Abi, included Anya and Cristiano, as well as Ryan and his wife, Nova. My parents and siblings were scattered around the table, Cristiano on the other side of Samara, with Anya directly beside him. He’d taken a nap earlier in the day, so we were hopeful he wouldn’t get overwhelmed or confused by everyone.

Because Abi’s parents were leaving for their tour on Sunday and she wanted to be married before they left, we were combining the families meeting for the first time with our rehearsal dinner. Samara’s anger made me twitchy. Being so close to Anya wasn’t helping since I didn’t know what to expect from her. It was also the first time I would be meeting Jace and Kin St. Charles, which already had me on edge.

If her parents didn’t like me, would she call everything off?


“Try to relax,” a gentle voice said to my right.

Turning my head, I found Nova giving me a smile that was oddly reassuring. Her soft green eyes were full of amusement as she leaned toward me. “Anya and Sammy are always like this. Don’t worry about them. Focus on your bride.”

“Her parents—”

“Will hate you,” she predicted with a nod. “You’re older than her. Grumpy. A stranger to them. Her dad is going to take one look at you and find a hundred things wrong with you.”

“Not helping,” I gritted out, making her laugh.

From beside her, Ryan growled something under his breath. Nova stroked her hand down his arm without looking at him. “What I’m saying is, they will hate you—and not just a little. But Abi loves you. And that’s all that matters. Show her mom and dad how much you love their daughter. Prove to them over and over that you will do whatever it takes to make her happy and keep her safe, and they will eventually not hate you.” She picked up her glass of wine. “Well, probably not as much as they do right now.”

“Right,” I muttered.

Hearing voices outside the private room I’d booked for our event, I stood. Abi said she loved this restaurant, which was the only requirement for the occasion. We were keeping it small, only the most important people to us so as not to overload Cristiano.

Before I could reach the door, Abi walked in, her arm linked through her best friend Hayat’s. Behind them, Ali entered with Hayat’s brother, Evan. The boy had to duck slightly to get through the archway, the mop of curls on top of his head brushing the molding.

Abi’s godparents, Lucy and Harris Cutter, followed. Hayat and Evan looked so similar to their father, it was difficult to see any traces of their mother in their features other than their wild curls.

I pulled Abi into my arms, kissing her slowly to calm the noise in my head that wanted to take control. Hayat touching Abi was something I needed to get used to seeing. The two of them were closer than sisters. To keep Abi happy, I needed to make friends with the havoc-prone hellion.