“Fine. But I’m not watching the video until you have eaten at least half the chicken.”


A shadow fell over our table. I lifted my head, expecting to find a waiter. My heart dropped into my stomach, the little appetite I’d had only moments before evaporating as I stared into the cool blue eyes of Vaughn’s mother.



Sammy and her mother were like ninjas, popping up and surprising unsuspecting people. It had to be a family trait. Vaughn had been sneaky like that, too. How else could he have stalked me for so long without my noticing?

My menu fell onto the table as my fingers turned to ice, a cramp twisting my stomach. Across from me, I heard Jarrett blow out a huff. “You couldn’t let the girl eat first, Anya?”

Shocked he knew her name, I turned my head to look at Maddie’s dad, but he wasn’t the least bit surprised to see the woman dressed in a simple black dress that hit her midthigh. Anya didn’t have Sammy’s height, but she still had a killer pair of legs.

“You…” I licked my suddenly dry lips. “You two know each other?”

Jarrett shrugged yet again. His communication skills sucked. “We’re acquaintances. In my line of work, you meet people from all walks of life. Some less savory than others.”

I folded my hands nervously in my lap. “Did you set this up?”

“Don’t blame Dawson.” Anya spoke for the first time, her voice like silk as she gazed down at me without an ounce of emotion. Blank face, just like Vaughn got at times. Which spoke louder than if she’d glared or smiled. That blankness meant Vaughn was locking down his emotions, protecting himself. “I owe him several favors for this little meeting. Well worth it, in my opinion. Too many watchful eyes on you have made it impossible for something as simple as getting to know my new daughter-in-law.”

“Shit,” I muttered when I heard Jarrett choke on air.

Anya raised a brow. “Ah, she hasn’t shared the good news yet. Abigail is now one of mine.”

“Not possible,” Jarrett denied with a shake of his head. “Ryan is already married.”

“No, of course not Ryan. Nova is it for him. I have a long-lost son,” she announced, and if possible, her face emptied even more. Why that made me sad, I wasn’t sure. But just looking at her made something ache inside me. I wanted to hug her so badly.

Questioning my own sanity was something I’d gotten used to doing since meeting Vaughn, but I did it yet again when I reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. She sucked in a sharp breath, but she didn’t jerk away like I’d expected.

Jarrett’s gaze locked on the action, brows furrowed together.

“Can you give us a minute?” I asked him.

“You sure? I agreed to her coming here, but I told her I wouldn’t leave you.” His hazel eyes flicked to Anya then back to me. “Whatever you have to say to her, I won’t repeat. Not even to Trinity.”

“No, it’s fine.” I gave him a smile I hoped was reassuring.

“All right, if that’s what you want. But I’ll be right outside if you need me.” He stood, sending Anya a warning glower. “Of course an angel fell in love with the devil’s son. Fucking hell.”

Anya laughed softly, taking the vacant seat as he stomped away. “He’s not wrong. My sons seem to be drawn to purehearted women. Elias has that same kindness in his soul. It balances out the darkness in Samara.”

“You’re wrong. I’m not an angel. Or purehearted. There’s darkness in me too.” It seemed to consume me now that Vaughn was gone. Sammy had killed a man in front of me Friday night, and I felt nothing.

Knowing blue eyes filled with understanding. “Ah, myshka, that’s how this works. You soak up some of his darkness and transfer a little of your light to him.”

I wrapped my arms around my middle, wishing Vaughn were there with me. “Why are you here? Sammy has my number. If you wanted to talk or meet, all you had to do was call. It seems a bit dramatic to involve Jarrett.”

“Samara would put a bullet in my skull before she gave me any information on you. You’re precious to her.” A smile teased at the lips. “Other than Elias and her father, she’s never had anyone she would kill for. I like that it’s you.”

“Your family is so weird.”

She threw back her head, laughing out loud. Picking up the cloth napkin, she dabbed at her eyes. “Ah, sweet girl. You don’t know how badly I’ve needed this laugh these past few weeks.”

Air suddenly felt trapped in my lungs, tears blurring my eyes.