Twenty years older than Trinity, he was still a handsome man with mostly gray hair, hazel eyes, and a physique most men half his age tried to perfect in the gym. Wearing black slacks and a black polo with his security company logo, he gave me a grim smile as he stopped in front of me.

“Hey, just the person I was hoping to see.” He gave me a quick hug. “Do you have a minute? I could really use your help with something.”

“I’m not busy.” I tipped my head back with a frown. “Is everything okay? Trinity wasn’t in her office, and I didn’t see Maddie.”

He kept one hand at the small of my back, turning and guiding me toward his own vehicle. “Avalyn had a doctor’s appointment, so Trinity took the day off. Maddie is probably in the studio today. She mentioned one of the newer bands had a meeting with Shane to discuss an upcoming album. I was going to ask her to help, but you can keep a secret better than my daughter.”

“Um, okay. What do you need help with?” He was already opening the door to his SUV. I paused before getting in, noticing the booster seat in the back row and all the toys surrounding it. My heart squeezed at the sight. My car would look like that one day soon.

“I’ll explain on the way,” he promised, urging me into the passenger seat.

“I could follow you,” I tried to suggest, but he shook his head.

“It’s easier this way. I’ll bring you back as soon as we’re done.”

He had me in the car and we were pulling into traffic before either of us spoke again. “What exactly do you need help with? A surprise for Trinity?”

“Yeah.” He nodded, focusing on traffic. “She’s been so busy making sure everyone is ready for their tours that she hasn’t had much time for herself. I want to give her a day at the spa before we all head out for the summer.”

“Sweet. She deserves a little pampering. She works so hard. You and she will be covering Jagger, Cannon, and Piper’s tour?”

“As usual,” he confirmed with a grunt. “Trinity is the only one who can keep Cannon in line.”

“And out of jail,” I agreed, making him bark out a laugh. “Maybe you should give her a full weekend of spa therapy before and after the tour.”

“If it makes her happy, sure. But I’m not good with surprises. And just getting her a gift certificate seems like a cop-out.” He glanced over at me before focusing on the road again. “I would appreciate it if you could help me book the services and maybe not rat me out that I had help. Maddie would definitely tell Trinity.”

“No problem. Trinity went with us for a girls’ day when I came home for Christmas break. I remember everything she had done.”

“Thanks, kid.”

He stopped at the entrance to the hotel that had my favorite spa on the top floor. A valet rushed forward, opening Jarrett’s door. I stepped out and waited for him before we walked in.

“How about we grab something to eat?” he suggested in the elevator. “You look skinnier than the last time I saw you.”

“Is that how you sweet-talk your wife?” I asked, scrunching my nose. He shrugged, but I heard his stomach growl. “Sure, let’s grab some lunch.”

He pressed the button for the restaurant instead of the spa, and I rolled my eyes at him. “Seriously, though, maybe watch some videos on how to be a little more romantic. Girls like it when guys say sweet things to them. Was the idea for a spa day your idea?”

“Someone may have suggested it,” he said with another shrug. “We all know I don’t have any romance game. My wife has accepted this and loves me anyway. I’m a military man. Not Casanova.”

“I’m going to text you a link to a few TikTok videos to watch.” The elevator doors slid open soundlessly into the foyer of the restaurant. As he guided me forward with his hand on my back, I was already looking for the links on my phone that I thought would be most helpful. “Auntie Trinny will definitely appreciate this one.”

“If it’s one of those videos where the guy is in a suit, then the music changes, and he’s shirtless and rubbing oil over his chest, I suggest you not send me that link,” he warned before turning to the hostess. “Dawson.”

I copied the link and pasted it into the message I was about to send him. “I wasn’t going to send you that one. But maybe I should find it and text it to Auntie—”

He snapped his teeth at me, making me grin for a second. The action made my lip burn a little, but it was mostly healed. Makeup thankfully covered the bruise on my cheek. “Do not send my wife links to videos of half-naked men.”

“So, only pictures, then. Got it.”

“Trouble,” he grumbled to himself as we followed the hostess to a table. Pulling out a chair, he waited for me to sit before taking the one across from me. He might not be romantic, but at least he was a gentleman. Teasing him was the most enjoyment I’d had in forever.

It was late for lunch but far too early for dinner. We more or less had the place to ourselves, with only a few staff prepping for the coming crowd that I was sure would soon arrive.

“What are we eating?” Jarrett asked, skimming over the menu the hostess had given us. “Do not say just salad. You obviously need more protein in your diet.”

My stomach growled, but I didn’t trust it to be cooperative for long. By dinner, I would have my head in a toilet bowl, praying to the porcelain gods to end my misery. “I’ll get the grilled chicken breast, but only if you promise to watch at least one of the videos I just sent you.”