But I didn’t have to do it today.



Emmie Armstrong’s glare was not something anyone could easily withstand. I sat in her office where she had texted me to meet her earlier that morning, her green eyes like dragon’s fire melting my flesh from my bones. At least, that was what it felt like as my skin tingled and itched, the sensation scalding my nerves as we sat in silence for several long, agonizing minutes.

“Your parents leave on tour in a matter of days,” she said, finally breaking the silence.

As if I needed reminding. I was counting down the hours until they left. It would be so much easier to hide my morning sickness—that oddly was worse in the evenings—if they were on the other side of the world.

“Don’t you think it would be better if you told them about this now, rather than when they are in Australia?”

“You told me Mieke is still looking into all of it. Why do I need to upset them when this could be nothing but some crazy prank?” She cocked a brow at me, but I shrugged. “I’m just saying, is it a legal marriage if I never had a wedding?”


I flinched, and she released a heavy sigh.

“Abi, you have to tell your parents. And not just about this bizarre surprise marriage.”

I ducked my head, playing with the tassel on my key ring.


“I’m not ready!” I burst out, my grief and anger exploding from deep inside me. “There’s so much going on right now. My mind is struggling to wrap around all of it. Yes, I know I’ve made mistakes. Yes, I am aware I have to tell my parents. But don’t I get a little time to absorb and come to terms with everything I’ve lost first?”

Her green eyes softened. “If you tell me what’s happened, I can help you. Those TK assholes still think they can take on the world on their own, but it’s kind of my job to fix problems for my clients.”

“I don’t want help.” My voice cracked, twin tears spilling over. “I want to grieve.”

She made a frustrated sound and stood from behind her desk. “Okay. I’ll have Mieke lock it down as much as she can. But someone wants the world to know you’re married. If it hits the media tomorrow, I have a contingency plan in place, but that isn’t what I’m worried about. Kin and Jace should hear this from you, not read about it on half a dozen gossip sites.”

“I’ll tell them when they get back from this tour.”

She laughed dryly, her eyes dropping to my waist when I stood. “Yeah, I’m sure by then you won’t have much choice.”

I bit my lip to keep it from quivering. “H-how do you know?”

“I’m a witch. It’s how I stay on top of the game.” She smiled, frustration still on her face, but she wasn’t nearly as upset as she had been only a few minutes ago. “Do you need help finding a good OB?”

My shoulders slumped. “I have an appointment already scheduled, but thank you.”

“Okay, but if you need anything, call me.” I nodded. “Promise me, Abi.”

“I promise,” I whispered.

“Abi…” She hesitated then grimaced. “Whatever, or whoever, you’re grieving… It gets easier.”

Losing Vaughn got harder to face every day. Going to sleep each night was almost unbearable, but it was even worse since my dream Friday night. Remembering the way he’d held me, his promise to be my strength, but then waking up without him again, made it more difficult to face each new day.

“I hope I believe you one day.”

Outside, I walked slowly to my car that I’d parked in the lot across the street from Emmie’s building. She owned half the floors and employed several hundred people. Once upon a time, she’d worked from the back of a tour bus and only managed Demon’s Wings. Maybe she was a witch.

Or the goddess of prosperity.

Shaking my head at the thought, even if it held so much validity, I was about to open my car door when I heard someone call my name. Glancing over my shoulder, I was surprised to see Jarrett Dawson, Maddie’s dad, jogging toward me.