“Fuck’s sake,” I muttered under my breath.

“No offense, gorgeous, but I doubt you can be of much assistance. Unless you plan on sucking someone’s cock to get those pictures. Or maybe you can fuck your way through the long list of gang members who run this fine establishment.”

“Shut up, Bentley,” I snapped at him. Running his mouth always got him into trouble, but this time, it could get him dead. I could feel the predator in Sammy as her grin turned…evil. “You mouthing off isn’t going to do anything but get you a bullet in your head.”

“I’m not scared of some—”

“Well, you fucking should be,” I exploded. Releasing my sister, I turned on him. All my frustration and fear and bone-crushing exhaustion were too much. “You all could have gotten hurt tonight. Now, we only have one option to fix it. I just hope you’re all prepared to face the consequences of your decisions.”

Turning my back on him, I faced Sammy, steeling myself for whatever she was going to demand as payment for her help. But there was no other choice. If anyone could sort this out so that my sister didn’t suffer any more than she already had, it was Sammy.

Knowing I was about to make a deal with the devil herself, I folded my arms over my stomach. “What will it cost for you to make this all go away?”

I felt the heat of the others’ gazes as they stared at me in surprise. They had no clue who Sammy really was. Until a week ago, neither had I. Trusting her was the last thing I should have been doing, but I didn’t see any other way out of this without losing anyone else I loved.

“Hmm, let me see.” She tapped her finger to her chin, pretending to think about it.

“Sammy,” I gritted out, warning her not to play games with me.

“Fine. I want the chance to explain what happened and my reasons for my actions.”

I blinked at her in surprise. “That’s all?” I asked, suspicion coating my tone. “You will get the pictures of my sister. Deal with the pervy teacher who has been harassing her. And sort out the whole fight club situation with Sixx?”

She lifted a shoulder. “I mean, my brother is going to have to assist me.” I couldn’t help but flinch at the word “brother.” She meant Ryan. Her other brother, the mafia kingpin or whatever he was. “But yeah, we can take care of all your sister’s problems.”

“What’s the catch?” Hayat asked, coming to stand beside me.

“I already told you what I want in return.” Sammy’s blue gaze softened on me. “I know it’s a big ask. I can throw in a few extra favors for later down the road if it makes any difference.”

“No way you can do all that.” Sixx glared at her. “What do I have to do?”

Sammy waved her hand dismissively. “You’ve already caused enough trouble. Worry about what you’re going to tell Mommy and Daddy about your busted hands. I’ll take care of the rest.”

He cocked a brow at her. “But only if Abi listens to you explain…what, exactly?”

Her jaw clenched, blue eyes turning frosty. “That’s between us.”

Grasping my arms, Sixx shook his head at me, turning his back on Sammy. “I don’t know who this chick is, but don’t do it. I can take care of this myself. So what if I have to do a few more fights? It’s what I’m good at, Abi. It’s… Why is your lip bleeding?” Gently, he touched my bottom lip. I flinched from the jolt that only made the pulse of pain worse. “Fuck, when did that happen?”

“Don’t worry about my face. And, no, you are not participating in more fights. You’re sixteen, Sixx. I’m not going to let you ruin your life.”

“Abi, I’m so sorry,” Ali whispered, her tear-filled baby blues brushing over my injured mouth. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”

I cupped my sister’s face. “I know you didn’t. None of it’s your fault. But for fuck’s sake, if anything like this happens again, promise me you’ll tell me.”

Chin trembling, she nodded. Sighing, I hugged her closer.

“What’s it going to be?” Sammy called out. “This is a one-time offer.”

“Fine,” I spat out the single word. “You can talk, and I’ll listen.”

She clapped her hands together, her feet dancing side to side like an excited little girl.

“After you help my sister and Sixx,” I amended.

Sammy’s happiness at my agreeing to her terms wasn’t deterred. “Deal! No takesies-backsies.”