And I needed to get my sister out of there.

Making a quick decision, one I hoped I wouldn’t regret later, I pointed at where Hayat was struggling to hold back the much-smaller redhead on the other side of the white mat. “That’s my sister,” I told Sammy. “Hayat. Her brother, Evan. My cousin Bentley. And that—” I pointed to Sixx, who had the other guy on the floor. Something dark was splattered over his face and bare chest. It glowed each time the lights danced over him. My stomach churned. Blood. “That is Sixx. I need all four of them out of here.”

Sammy nodded, tucking the gun into the back of her jeans. “Let me get you out of here, and then I’ll—”

“No!” I twisted away from her before she could try to drag me away. “If you won’t help me, then go crawl back into whatever hole you’ve been hiding in. I don’t want your crazy ass near me or anyone else I care about.”

Hurt flickered across her face, and I almost apologized. I shouldn’t care that I’d upset her. She’d killed Vaughn, damn it. She’d taken everything from me. I wasn’t going to feel bad about being mean when she was the reason my heart had been torn from my body.

“Fuck!” she yelled. “Fine. Just give me two seconds.”

Head swiveling around quickly, she assessed the crowd and then shifted her focus to the suspended DJ platform above us. She said something I didn’t hear, but I wasn’t sure if she was speaking to me or herself. Maybe she was talking to the voices in her head.

The music abruptly stopped, causing a shrilling screech to echo out of the speakers. Everyone groaned, covering their ears in pain. With the loss of the music, it was easy to hear the pounding of flesh against flesh as the fight continued. When I looked at Sixx, he had a manic gleam in his eyes I’d never seen there before as he drilled his fist into the other guy’s face over and over.

“Now the lights,” Sammy commanded. Her fingers tightened around my wrist a split second before darkness engulfed the entire building. Screams filled the air, and people began to shove one another as panic ensued.

“Hayat!” I shouted as security lights came on, needing to know where my friend was. “Hayat! Ali! Evan!”

“Abi!” A chorus of voices called back over the top of the crowd as they stampeded around us.

“Yes, she did just shout another man’s name. Do you want me to kill him?”

Cold fear went through me, my head snapping around to look up at my ex-friend. “Do not hurt Evan,” I snarled at Sammy in the dark. “I will destroy you if you touch him, psycho.”

“Ah, I missed you too, Abs,” she cooed in my ear. “Now, be a good girl and hold on to me while I get us out of here.”

“Not without Ali and—”

“Please don’t say anyone else’s name right now. Your sister is one thing. Everyone else… I can only handle one tantrum at a time,” she complained. “We will all get out of here safe and sound. I promise.”

“H-how?” People were swarming around. I felt unsteady, the nausea only getting worse with each passing second. “Sammy—” I choked on another surge of bile. “I’m… I think I’m…”

“Jesus Christ. Is it nerves or morning sickness?”

Before I could answer, I started retching.



A cool cloth was pressed to my throbbing face, making me whine in relief. Sagging against the trunk of a random car, I lifted a bottle of water to my lips, sipping slowly. My lips felt swollen, my entire face pulsing, but that was nothing compared to the nausea that was tossing in my stomach.

“Are you insane?” Hayat raged somewhere close by. “You could have been killed in there! How the hell would I have told Mom? Huh, Evan?”

“Take it easy,” Bentley grumbled.

“And you!” she seethed. I turned my head in time to see her get in my cousin’s face. They were almost the same height, but Hayat’s hair was swinging around so I couldn’t see either of their expressions. “Why did you bring them here?”

“Ask your sister.”

“I’m asking you, motherfucker.”

“I like her,” Sammy hummed beside me, continuing to dab at my face with the wet cloth. “She’s feisty.”

I batted her hand away. As the nausea eased, clarity began to return, but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember how we’d gotten out of that warehouse in one piece. Together. People were still screaming in the distance as they tried to get out of the building. What I did remember was stomach-turning. Stepping over people. On top of them. Hands clawing at my legs from the ground where many had gotten trampled.

“Hayat, stop.” Evan got between his sister and Bentley, keeping his arms up so she couldn’t reach around him to get to the other guy. “He was just trying to help. Ali was freaking out. She thought Sixx was going to get himself killed.”