“My sister is hanging out with Bentley and Evan?” I whisper-shouted in surprise. “Was Sixx with them?”

“Didn’t see him,” Mason commented, signaling Nate for a drink.

“Shit,” I groaned. “What are they up to?”

It wasn’t that Ali didn’t hang out with our cousin Bentley. They were close, even though Bentley was a few months older than me. Sixx and Bentley were pretty tight as well. But Evan and Sixx didn’t mesh well together, and the reason was simple. Ali.

“You let my brother get into a vehicle with Bentley and Ali, but you didn’t see Sixx?” Hayat hissed. “And neither of you saw a problem with that? Your spidey senses didn’t go off and tell you that was a bad goddamn idea?”

“If Sixx has issues with his best friend hanging out with other guys, then he should grow a pair of balls and claim her,” Mason said dismissively. “Besides, if it comes down to it, Evan can take Sixx. He’s a fucking beast.”

No, Evan looked like a beast at six foot ten. He had multiple offers for college basketball scholarships. He was talented on the court, but he was a gentle soul.

He might have over half a foot in height on Sixx, but Sixx had a temper. And no fear of death when it came to my sister.

“Idiots,” I growled, pulling my phone from my back pocket. It wasn’t the burner I’d picked up at a gas station the previous weekend. Earlier in the week, I’d ordered a new phone, and it had arrived on Thursday.

Hitting connect on my sister’s name, I pressed the device to my ear. Beside me, Hayat was already trying to call her brother.

“Hello?” Ali answered.

“Where are you?” I demanded.

“I’m with Bentley and Evan,” she said evasively, her voice slightly quivering.

“Ali!” I warned. “Tell me where you are. Hayat and I will come get you.”

“Pass. I gotta take care of something. Bye.”

“Ali, don’t hang…up.” When the phone went silent, I stabbed my finger into Damien’s chest, getting in his face. “If anything happens to Evan, I’m holding the two of you responsible.”

Throwing some cash down on the bar top to cover our drinks and a tip, I grabbed Hayat’s hand. She was still trying to get Evan to answer his phone. I shot Mason a hard glare. “Older obviously doesn’t mean smarter. All those good looks, but not a single working brain cell in your head. Pathetic.”

“I didn’t have time to stop him. One minute, he was beside us, and we were about to come in here. The next, Bentley slammed his brakes at the curb and was yelling at him to get in the vehicle. What should I have done, Abi?” he defended, but I could see the contrition in his eyes as the realization of what could happen to Evan hit him. “Where are they? We’ll come with you.”

“Fuck off.” Giving him a last disgusted glare, I pulled Hayat toward the exit. We were outside before I pulled up the app to track my sister’s phone. When I couldn’t access her GPS, I knew she’d deliberately turned off her location. Thankfully, Evan hadn’t turned his off yet.

The address wasn’t one I recognized, but I screenshotted it in case he suddenly turned off his GPS, and I waved down a cab.

“Answer your fucking phone!” Hayat shouted into her receiver as I opened the back door. Pushing her inside, I followed. It would take way too long to get her car out of the valet and then try to find the address, even with the navigation system.

We had to get to Evan before Sixx did.

After I gave the driver the address, the man’s eyes widened comically in the rearview mirror. Turning to face us, he frowned at us for a long moment. “Are you two girls sure that’s where you want to go?”

“Of course we are!” Hayat cried.

But unease churned in my stomach, intensifying my queasiness. “Why do you ask?”

“Just didn’t figure you two for the warehouse fights. Well, not you. You’re too delicate-looking.” His eyes landed on me, before going to Hayat. “Havoc might fit in, though.”

“Warehouse fights?” Hayat and I squeaked at the same time.

His knowing that Hayat was Havoc barely registered. My sister was at a warehouse. Where there was underground fighting. I was going to kill her. And Bentley. Definitely was going to murder Bentley. He’d taken Ali there. Shit, if Evan got caught there, he could kiss his basketball career goodbye.

“Oh my God, drive! Please, hurry.”