His jaw clenched, something flashing in his eyes before he grunted. “Christian Victor Vaughn is my legal name. I don’t want you to be surprised if my father calls me Christian. Or, if he’s having a really bad day, confuse me for my brother, Ryan.”

“Sammy didn’t tell me she had one brother, let alone two.” I sat up and pushed back against the headboard. “More complicated family drama?”

“Ryan is slightly younger, but he and I don’t share the same mother.” His jaw firmed every time he said the other man’s name.

“But you and Sammy do?” I asked curiously. He nodded, watching me closely, as if waiting for me to freak out. “That does sound complicated. But it doesn’t scare me off, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“Our parents’ messy history isn’t what I fear you will be upset over,” he muttered. “Once this shit has calmed down, I’ll try to explain everything to you. Right now, I don’t even know where to start.”

Holding my hand out to him, I melted a little more when he didn’t hesitate to take it. Sitting beside me, he lifted his arm so I could snuggle into his side before wrapping it around me. Expelling a ragged sigh, he kissed the top of my head.

“I know the things that matter most right now.” The sound of his heart beating under my ear was too comforting not to close my eyes. “You care about me. I care about you. And we’re together. Anything else that needs to be said or explained can wait a little longer.”

He tightened his arm around me. “My sweet girl,” he groaned. “I’m never letting you go.”

I kissed his chest through his shirt, right over his heart. “Is that a warning or a promise?”


Laughing, I snuggled back into him, fighting a yawn. “You’re kind of cute, Professor.”

“Your parents never spanked you as a child, did they?” he groused.

“I was grounded often enough, but no spankings,” I agreed. “Are you considering it?”

He made a noise that caused his chest to rumble under my ear. “Keep calling me ‘Professor,’ and I might.”

Grinning, I threw my leg over both of his. “I’m going to use you as a body pillow for a minute. You don’t mind, do you, Professor?”

“My sweet girl is a brat,” he muttered, kissing the top of my head again. “Sleep, Abi. I’ve got you.”

* * *


Groaning, I pressed my face into his chest, hiding from reality. “Sleepy,” I garbled.

His deep laugh made his chest vibrate. I liked the sound so much, I pressed my ear closer.

“As much as I want to just lie here and hold you for the rest of forever, I have to get up. We’ll be landing in an hour, and I need to check on Samara.”

Remembering my friend, I jerked my head up. “Oh no! I’ve been holding you hostage back here when your sister needed us.”

“I’ve kept watch over her through the cameras in the main cabin. She’s been resting.” His hand slid into my hair. “But she is starting to stir. We should be landing in less than an hour. Are you hungry? Thirsty?”

Food had no appeal for me, but my gaze went longingly to the bathroom before meeting his brown eyes. “You have time,” he said with a smile. “Go shower. I’ll bring your bag in so you can change.”

I dropped a kiss onto his lips. But one wasn’t enough. I stole another one. Then one more. Cursing, he rolled me onto my back, his thigh sliding between my legs. “You are too tempting, zhizn moya. How can I make rational decisions when I know your pussy needs me to stretch it with my aching cock?”

“I really, really, really want to be selfish right now and beg you to fuck me.” I slid my hand down his arm. “But your sister is kind of handcuffed to a chair and all.”

He buried his face in my neck, his teeth grazing the renewed tender mark where he’d bitten me again. My core clenched each time he licked over a particular achy spot. “Fucking troublemaker from the day she was born. Can’t take two minutes to love on my girl because of that pain in the ass.”

Laughing, because I could hear the underlying affection in his voice, I pushed at his shoulders but didn’t move. His cock flexed against my leg. It would be so easy to open for him, seek relief from the throbbing that seemed to pulse through my body. “Babe?”

“Give me a minute, wildfire. I’m weighing my options. If she shoots me in the back of the head while I’m balls deep in you, I’ll die a happy man. But she’s half blind from the head injury, and that will leave you in danger with the little psycho.”

“Um…” He sounded so serious, I felt a moment of uncertainty. I remembered all the times Sammy had made comments about something that had seemed funny, but it didn’t feel like he was joking. Laughing it off because, of course, he was kidding—he had to be—I playfully pushed at his shoulders. “I should wash my hair before I meet your dad.”