Would I be considered the sane sibling?

I’d thought I was a sociopath until I met Abi. I was so numb, never had any emotions that I could remember, other than one fleeting moment when I was eleven. But I’d been able to pretend well enough not to ever raise any flags. When, really, I was just as psychotic as the other two. I’d merely needed to find my trigger.

AKA, the little brat I was going to pound my cock into as soon as I got my hands on her.



He wanted to know why I hadn’t answered his calls?


After he went from a thousand degrees to ice-cold in the blink of an eye?

Guys were stupid. Even my dad had his dense moments. Mom seriously wanted to shank him at least once a week. I hadn’t been joking when I told Vaughn that. Any more than I’d been kidding when I told him I wouldn’t put up with bad behavior.

Making me feel like I was his everything to an inconvenience with the flip of a switch? One hundred percent bad behavior. Red flags were popping up all over the place.

My obviously twisted mind didn’t count his stalker tendencies. Kettle black and all that bullshit. I couldn’t throw stones when I’d been kinda, sorta, maybe a little stalking him too. And the whole supposedly obsessed thing? What girl didn’t want the guy she was crushing on to be utterly besotted with her to the point of madness?

Hayat, always my voice of reason, would agree with me. If I’d told her. Which I hadn’t. When I’d texted her the night before, she’d been in the middle of something that left me almost as dazed as my evening with my history professor.

My bestie needed me.

I promised her I was going to drop my summer classes so I could be with her all summer. She was convinced she’d fucked up beyond repair. Maybe she had. Maddie never mentioned the Renchfords. That family was toxic, but I’d never actually met Kyrie, the eldest son. It was Holden who had left Maddie falling down an endless dark hole after everything.

“I asked you a question, zhizn moya.”

A shiver went through my body, my thighs pressing together as hard as possible in an attempt to alleviate the throb in my clit, all thoughts of Maddie and the entire Renchford clan pushed from my mind. Stupid, sexy voice with its yummy accent.

Not yummy. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

“Because I didn’t want to talk,” I told him, sounding petulant to my own ears.

“That’s not a good enough excuse, Abigail,” he snapped, the bite in his tone going straight to my core.

Damn it! Suddenly, all I could think about was his head between my legs. He’d eaten me out so good. Remembering how his face had glistened when he’d thrust into me, tearing through my virginity, had me clutching at my blanket with my free hand. I would not touch myself. I would not touch myself.

A pounding knock came from my door. I jerked upright in bed. That did not sound like one of my floor mates. It was too hard, too loud.

“Open your door,” Vaughn commanded. “Let me in so we can talk.”

“You’re here?” I complained. “Did my not answering the first hundred times you tried calling not clue you in? I don’t want to talk to you right now, Professor.”

“You have until I count to five, Abi.”

I snorted. “Or what?”

“Ah, my sweet girl. Do you really want to find out?”

“Fuck right the fuck off, Professor.”

“Keep calling me that, Abi. You’re only going to make things harder on yourself. One.”

“Two.” I counted for him loud enough he could hear through the door even without the phone.

“Sassy as well as sweet. You want to drive me closer to madness, don’t you, wildfire? Three.”