I tore my hungry eyes off Vaughn’s silhouette to frown at my friend. “Really?”

His nod made me ridiculously happy.

“Ten bucks says he won’t approve Abi,” Yara told him over my head.

“If it were anyone else, I would take that bet,” Preston said with a grin. “But this is Abi we’re talking about. No one ever turns down those blue eyes. It’s her superpower.”

My teeth sank into the inside of my lower lip. I wanted to talk to Vaughn, and this was a good excuse. If it meant I could be close enough to catch his scent, it would be worth a little embarrassment when he told me no about the class, like he had everyone else.

“Do you think he would make an exception for me?” I asked my friends quietly.

“Go talk to him,” Yara urged, bumping my shoulder with hers. “The worst he can do is tell you no.”

Still uncertain about what I should do, I stood and picked up my books. A peek at my phone showed a handful of missed texts, all of them from my sister expressing her displeasure at how our dad was annoying her about Sixx. Finding myself laughing at her threat of physical violence when I got home for break, I took a step toward the stairs that led straight to the stacks.

“Do you want us to wait for you?” Yara called after me. “We’re going to grab something from the cafeteria before it closes and go back to Preston’s place for a little more study time.”

I paused on the step, meeting Preston’s pleading eyes. “No, I’m all studied out tonight,” I told her and got a discreet nod from him in thanks. My glare silently told him not to waste the time I’d just given him alone with her. “See you both later.”

Yara waved, and I climbed the stairs, listening to them leaving. Glancing around, I noticed that the library was basically empty now, except for the student behind the information desk by the entrance, busy checking back in a giant stack of books to be shelved later. Professor V and I were the only patrons.

At least I wouldn’t have an audience when I embarrassed myself by asking him to let me take his seminar.

Ticking from the clock on the wall somewhere overhead echoed in my ears as I watched Professor Vaughn turn the page of his book. His face was in profile, his jaw slightly darker with a few days’ scruff. Without thinking, I touched the back of my neck, imagining the feel of that stubble brushing over my skin as he sank his teeth into me. The area where I’d dreamed of his bite was still tender, making my heart squeeze.

Locking the images away, I focused on the real man instead of the one who visited my dreams each night. He’d trimmed his hair, something he must have done that day because it had been longer on top when I’d last seen him in class the afternoon before. His bone structure always took my breath away. I’ve seen plenty of beautiful men, in pictures and real life, but none of them could compare to him. But it wasn’t just his masculine good looks that drew my attention. He had an energy that screamed alluring. Commanding. Alpha.

An ache zinged through my core, my inner walls clenching with each step I took. Heat filled me the closer I got to him, my breathing coming in soft pants. His glasses had slipped down his nose, and he lifted his hand to adjust them without looking away from the page he was reading. My gaze followed his arm as it dropped to his side, taking in the way his blue dress shirt stretched tightly around his biceps and across his chest.

My footsteps drawing his attention, he turned his head to look directly at me as I neared. “Miss St. Charles,” he greeted quietly, closing his book. “I saw you diligently preparing for the war zone that is final exams. Are the strategic plans on how to conquer the great battles at a standstill?”

“For the moment,” I said with a smile. “Everyone was hungry and ditched me.”

“Smart of them,” he muttered, a muscle ticking in his jaw. “Nutrients will fuel the mind and body to keep you going strong.”

“Then I should definitely grab something from the cafeteria before heading to my room. But first…” I clenched my fingers around my books, pressing them closer to my body. Dampening my lips, I fought my nervousness. “I spoke to my adviser earlier this week. My plan is to graduate as quickly as possible. And that means not taking the summer terms off. I have almost all my classes confirmed, but your seminar is a bit overcrowded.”

“Yes, it does seem to be popular. I never imagined so many students would commit to a summer course load.” He tucked his book onto the shelf. Turning back to me, he thrust his hands deep into his pockets.

When he did that during class, I always looked down to watch the material stretch tight over his thighs and…not his thighs. It was a test of willpower that I didn’t glance down right then. But I only snuck a quick peek before returning to his face.

“It’s a great curriculum, and listening to your lectures has been the highlight of my semester,” I told him honestly. He had a brilliant mind, and fuck, I would pay good money for any book he narrated if he ever decided to make a career change.

“Are you buttering me up, Miss St. Charles?” he asked with a subtle upward tilt of his lips. His brown eyes glowed down at me, making that ache between my legs pulse.

“Just stating my opinion, Professor. Your voice soothes something inside me. I wish I could listen to it for—” Abruptly cutting myself off before I completely mortified myself, and no doubt him as well, I cleared my throat. “Anyway, my adviser said it was possible to get into the class if you approved the student. Is it possible—”

“Yes,” he rasped, stealing my breath when he took a step closer. Catching his scent, I nearly moaned. It was my favorite smell in the world. I just hadn’t known it until I met him. “Of course. I will sign off on it first thing tomorrow. But only if you finish what you were going to say.”

As I saw the erratic pulse fluttering at the base of his throat, heard his sharp inhales, my mind blanked. All I wanted was to press my hand to his chest to feel the harsh thumping of his heart. In a daze, I actually started to lift my hand. I could already feel the heat of his body burning my palm.



A loud crash from below as the student at the information desk dropped a pile of books on the floor snapped me out of the trance. I stared at the back of my hand, only inches from his firm chest. Trying to play it off, I tucked my hair behind my ear instead of touching him. “Um, sorry, what was it I said? I don’t remember.”

Growling something in what I assumed was Russian, he snatched my hand, pulling it back to him and pressing it flat across his chest. “Do not ever stop yourself from touching me again, wildfire. I am yours to touch whenever you wish.”