Spotting the study group I was supposed to be meeting at a table in the back, I waved to let them know I was coming but paused to finish my call. “Daddy, I’m in the library.”

“You study too much.”

“I don’t think any other parent would ever say that,” I laughed.

“Finals are next week. I probably won’t get to talk to you again until they’re over because you will be studying and testing. It will be like it was last semester, and I won’t even get a text from you.”

“Finals are a real pain in the ass,” I agreed. “I promise to text you as often as I can. Don’t pout. Go torment Ali about Sixx. That will distract you from missing me.”


Laughing, I blew him a kiss. “Bye, Dad. I love you.”

“Love you too, Abi-cakes.”



I switched my phone to silent so it wouldn’t distract me. But as I took my seat at the table between my friends Preston and Yara, my screen lit up with a text.

Ali: I hate you so much.

Snorting out a laugh, I turned the phone so it was facedown. “Who has the best notes for chemistry?” I asked. “I’ll trade you mine for psychology.”

Preston pulled out his chemistry notebook. I wasn’t surprised by how neat his writing was. He was the smartest one in our study group—and the most meticulous when it came to note-taking. He was in my chem class but, sadly, not my lab. I’d tried hard to get the time for my lab changed so I could partner with him.

Yara grabbed my psychology notes. “He’s not even in psych. But I’ll trade you for the history notes I took.”

“You took notes?” another girl asked in shock. “How were you able to tear your eyes off Professor V long enough to write anything?”

Irritation at the reminder that I wasn’t the only one watching Vaughn made me want to scratch off my own skin. Yara glanced dispassionately over at the other girl, whose name I wasn’t familiar with. She wasn’t in any of my other classes, so that meant she was probably in Professor Vaughn’s Tuesday and Thursday slot, which was when Yara had the class with Preston.

“Yara has better things to do than drool over a poorly named Marvel villain,” Preston told the girl, the edge in his tone making me smile and lightly poke Yara in the side.

When she met my gaze, I waggled my eyebrows at her. I’d told her for months Preston was into her, but she wouldn’t admit I was right.

Huffing, she dropped her attention to her psychology textbook, but she couldn’t hide the pleased little smile that tipped at her lips. For the next three hours, we studied. My eyes felt like they were going to cross by the time I was done with the notes for chemistry.

Rubbing at the stiff muscles in my neck, I glanced around to find it was just Preston and Yara still in our group. “When did everyone else leave?”

Preston took his notebook back, carefully placing it in his backpack. “They all went to eat dinner over an hour ago.”

Yara stretched her arms above her head, grunting when she got a cramp in her shoulder. Dropping her hands on the table, she eyed me. “You decide what you’re going to do about the history seminar?”

“I haven’t talked to Professor V yet.”

“Are you really going to declare history as your major?” Preston rolled his eyes when I didn’t answer. “Just ask him to approve you as an extra student.”

I kicked at him lightly. “He’s already approved six other students. I don’t want to be like everyone else and beg for a spot in the class. If I declare a major, then someone who isn’t majoring in history will be dropped.”

And then I could have at least one class every semester with Professor Vaughn. That wouldn’t count as stalking… Would it?

Yara propped her chin on her hand. “I saw the professor go into the stacks a little while ago. Why don’t you just go ask him to approve you, and then you can declare your major in the fall.”

My gaze shot to the row of books on the second floor, my eyes instantly drawn to where he stood with a book open in his hand, head tilted down as he read. Pulse suddenly pounding against my ribs, I licked my lips. Dream Abi was so much braver than Awake Abi. Damn it. “He looks busy. I don’t want to disturb him.”

“When did he approve six other students?” Preston demanded. “My roommate is an aide for an adviser and told me Professor V hasn’t allowed anyone extra in the seminar.”