Leaving her in bed that morning had been the hardest thing I’d ever done. My need for her, this obsession that was my new companion, grew by the hour. Being more than a few feet from her was too much. Too much. Too much.

I was the only one allowed to see her panties. Yet she’d dared to wear that sexy little skirt in public. Where anyone could easily view what was mine alone. With each squirm, she risked everyone in the room seeing her delicate secrets.

My palms itched with the need to punish her, to redden her ass. For distracting me. For giving others a glimpse of what I would burn the world down to protect. For not being my good, sweet girl.

Dismissing the class fifteen minutes early, I waited until most of the others were already gone before I stopped Abi from leaving. “Miss St. Charles,” I called when I saw her slowly walking toward the door. “May I have a moment?”

She tried to hold in a smile when she looked back at me, but I knew every emotion that crossed her face. She wanted me to stop her, to talk to her alone. She wanted my attention. “Professor?”

Packing my things into my bag, I didn’t immediately give her what she wanted. I would never tell her no, but I would damn sure make her wait if she was going to be naughty. As I took my time, I heard her shift nervously, her breaths growing choppy. When I was sure we were completely alone, I finally turned to face her.

Letting my eyes slowly travel over her, I noted the pink that filled her cheeks. Such an innocent color. Sweet and perfect for my wildfire. But she’d dressed like a vixen. To tease me. Make me sweat. After begging for my cock twelve hours before.

My gaze lingered where an inch of bare skin was exposed between her top and skirt. Creamy. Flat. How long before my baby started to stretch her abdomen? How many weeks before the world knew I’d claimed her?

After watching over her for months, I knew her cycle. She would be ovulating in the next few days.

Fuck, the memory of how tight she was wrapped around only a few inches of my cock drove me crazy.

Stepping closer to her, I lowered my head. “Did he touch you?”

Her brow furrowed in confusion for a moment before understanding filled her eyes. “Morris?” I nodded, feeling a muscle twitching in my jaw. His death was going to be so satisfying, I promised myself. “No. He barely even spoke to me.”

“I saw him with a group of morons this morning. He was being disrespectful to you and your running friend.” I was surprised at how well-behaved Samara had been, but she was careful around Abi. Her gentle care of my wildfire endeared her to me.

Abi shrugged. “Just guys being guys.”

“Mm,” I grunted my agreement and displeasure. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

The tip of her tongue peeked out, skimming over her bottom lip. “Thank you for the concern,” she murmured, looking up at me through her lashes. Goddamn it, did she know how sexy she was? “You’re sweet for caring.”

I almost laughed. My innocent girl thought I was sweet. Me, a mass murderer. A man who had shot his sister. A monster who wouldn’t have hesitated to put a bullet through his own birth mother’s head if given the chance.

But that was the man I’d been before Abi.

Now, I wanted to be worthy of her.

You did hesitate. You didn’t stop yourself from killing Samara in Budapest because of Abi. You hadn’t even met her yet.

I frowned at the reminder.

Instead of taking the headshot, I’d switched my aim. Daria wasn’t pleased that Samara didn’t die that day, but she didn’t suspect anything because I’d still shot her. That it was a non-life-threatening wound didn’t seem to matter. Samara was hurt, which meant Anya would feel the pain. That was all Daria and Polina truly wanted.

Not killing Samara didn’t absolve me of the sins I’d committed before meeting Abi, however. Or the ones I would carry out in the future. Whatever I had to do to protect my wildfire.

And Samara.

It was easy enough to include my sister. She was Abi’s friend. If Samara died, it would upset her. Which meant I would have to keep my sister alive. I wasn’t sure if I was doing the world a favor by allowing her to continue breathing, especially the unsuspecting female population who dared look twice at Elias Reid. But if she kept a smile on Abi’s face, nothing else mattered.

“I can be sweet for you, zhizn moya,” I told her. “Only you.”

She sucked in a breath, causing her tits to lift until they were almost spilling out of her top. The pulse at the base of her throat quickened. I wanted to bite it so fucking bad. “Wh-what did you say?” she whispered, her tongue teasing over her lips again. “What…does that mean?”

From the way her pupils were dilated, I could tell she wasn’t scared. She was remembering. Questioning her memories and if what she’d thought were dreams were reality. But fear wasn’t what she was feeling.

I took a step forward, ready to pick her up and press her into the first flat surface I came to. She’d begged for my cock last night, and I’d given it to her. Now, I wanted her kiss. She moaned before I could touch her, her lashes already lowering in anticipation.

“Professor Vaughn, do you have a minute?”