She readjusted her sports bra with a smirk. “You’re so fucking adorable. Seriously, I’m keeping you.”

“Besties!” I cheered, loving how her eyes lit up.

“Besties,” she murmured softly.

After our run, I paid for our morning treats, adding in two cake pops to go with the coffees. I nibbled on mine while Sammy stuffed hers into her mouth, pulling the stick free with a pleased moan.

Several people gave us second glances as we walked toward my dorm, while others gave us a wild berth as soon as they noticed Sammy at my side. I glared after those people, not wanting my friend to have her feelings hurt, but she didn’t seem to notice them as she happily sipped her iced latte.

“What does your day look like?” she asked as I pulled my access card from the hidden pocket in my yoga pants to open the front door to my dorm.

“I have history a little later, and then I’m going to study in the library with a few of the other girls on my floor. Friday nights as a college student are wild.” I rolled my eyes at how boring I was. But the truth was, I enjoyed my boring little life. If I weren’t so homesick, it would be perfect. “How about yours? You don’t have to deal with that Lynn woman today, do you?”

Blue eyes flashed with jealous flames for a few moments before she sighed. “Not today, thankfully. But I do have a packed schedule with clients all afternoon. Elias is on a jobsite all day.”

Being a talented architect kept her busy. Even though she was just an intern for now, she was bringing Barker & Reid even more work that they would have to hire extra construction crews to keep up with.

“If you don’t have plans for dinner, want to grab something with me at Aggie’s?” I offered.

“Definitely. Text me when you’re done with the study group. I’ll pick you up.”

“I have a car. I can meet you there.” She narrowed her eyes on me. “Okay, okay. You can pick me up.” I gave in with a grin that she returned.

“Enjoy history,” she said with a wink. “Maybe stick around after class and ask Professor Hotpants for some extra credit. I bet he has a few things he’d like you to do that could earn you an A.”

“Shush,” I hissed with a laugh, glancing around to make sure no one was listening.

“Have a little fun, Abs,” she said as she backed away. “You know you want to.”

She wasn’t wrong. I really, really wanted to do what she kept suggesting. But Professor Vaughn would never want me…

Would he?

Shaking away the thought, I blew her a kiss and went inside. Upstairs, I took a shower and got ready for class, taking extra care with my outfit and a little makeup. Normally, I only put on tinted moisturizer and lip balm, but I wanted to see if I could get Professor Vaughn to pay attention to me.

Glancing down at my short skirt, I adjusted my top so my cleavage was more on display. Picking up my bag, I swallowed my nervousness as I walked to class. The class was more crowded than it had been at the beginning of the semester. After Miller had left abruptly, Professor Vaughn had taken over right away.

Since then, many more female students had decided to audit the class with the same excuse. They were considering taking the class next year. Already, the summer seminar that Professor Vaughn was scheduled to teach was filling up, when, typically, history courses rarely got a handful of students during the summer session.

I hadn’t made any summer plans, but with Hayat busy kicking ass to get ready to audition as the new drummer for the indie band that played at her dad’s club and my parents off touring in Australia for the summer, taking my sister with them, I wasn’t looking forward to going home, just to be all alone for the break.

If I stayed in Creswell Springs, I could spend time with Sammy. And if it meant getting to see Professor Vaughn, feeding my growing obsession with him, would it hurt anyone?

Choosing to sit closer to the front, I took the last seat in the first row with only a few minutes to spare before class started.


I startled at the deep voice that came unexpectedly from my right side. No one had talked to me in this class all semester. Most of them were upperclassmen who needed the course to graduate.

Turning my head, I recognized the guy and almost groaned. Dark-blond hair that was on the shaggy side. Clean-shaven face. Slightly crooked smile. He was handsome, but I was familiar with that gleam in his blue eyes. Douchebag. It was easy to spot the type. They thought they deserved the world handed to them with nothing more than a smile.

He was also one of the baseball players from that morning. I hadn’t given them more than a glance when they’d wolf-whistled at Sammy, but I’d definitely seen him with the group.

He smirked when I didn’t speak. “I know you can talk. I’ve seen you do it. When Professor V calls on you, you practically simp all over him.”

“I don’t think you know what that word means,” I told him coldly.

“Okay. Educate me, then.”