Thoughts of his well-being, and my sister’s, now plagued me. Months before, I’d craved an end to the constant numbness, to be able to feel something, anything. And now, all I did was feel. It kept my mind in a continued state of havoc that only had one cure.


My wildfire.

Sleep had never been something I’d gotten much of in my life. It had been hard to let my mind relax when survival had been a constant struggle as a kid. By the time I’d reached adulthood, I’d learned to make do with an hour or two when and where I could.

At first, I’d simply stood in Abi’s closet and watched her sleep each night. A week into my new nightly routine, she’d had a bad dream. Unable to withstand watching her and not comforting her in some way, I’d climbed in behind her and stroked her hair until she’d calmed.

After that, I’d been too enamored to stay away. She was such a deep sleeper that even when she did open her eyes, she still thought she was dreaming and would give me that sweet smile of hers before drifting off once again.

Once I was inside her dorm room, I moved through the dark with the ease of a ghost. Her blinds were open, bathing her in the soft glow of moonlight. Her dark-red hair was spread across her pillow, her head turned away from me. She’d kicked her covers off one leg, showing me she was wearing her usual cartoon-character pajama pants with a matching camisole top. The strap had fallen off one shoulder, her nipples already hard and pouty against the soft material.

Her hand rested low on her belly, the tips of her fingers sticking into the waistband of her pajamas. As I stood over her, soaking up the sight, she whined in her sleep, her hand moving farther beneath the material until it was cupping her pussy.

My mind went blank, my body hardening as I watched her fingers moving under the cotton sleep pants. Fuck. It took willpower I didn’t know I possessed to do nothing but hold her every night. Especially when she was half awake and rubbing her ass over my throbbing cock. But she always settled down and drifted back to sleep.

Now, she was still very much asleep and pleasuring herself.

Moaning, she spread her legs wider, her fingers moving faster. “Please, just a little deeper.”

Jealous rage cast a veil over my eyes, making me see red, shredding the thin control I had over what little was left of my sanity.

Who the fuck was she dreaming of?

In the weeks since the lock on my emotions broke, shattered by this little flame who burned through me like an inferno, my anger was hard to keep in check. I spent most of my daytime hours trying to rein it in, but nothing worked. Only when I was lying beside Abi each night did the voice in the back of my mind demanding I slaughter every person who crossed my path shut up.

When I couldn’t be with her at night was when things got messy. I had a new appreciation for my sister’s ability to keep her psycho side locked down as easily as she appeared to.

For two months, I’d been able to keep my dick in my pants, my hands—mostly—to myself. Other than holding her, and tracing my name on her skin over and over, I hadn’t done anything I would kill another person for doing to her.

Fuck that shit. I would, and already had, slaughter another man for simply looking too long at her. That prick Miller was nothing but pig slop after I’d seen the way he licked his lips when he watched her outside her dorm one night. I’d broken his neck without thinking and had to spend an entire night away from Abi cleaning up the spontaneous mess I’d created.

It had worked out perfectly in the long run. My wildfire didn’t have to steel herself before she went into her history class any longer. From what I’d found on his work and home computers, he’d been harassing Abi all semester. I’d suspected as much as when I’d seen how she was before and after class, but when I’d encountered the proof of just how far the man had gone, I’d been pissed that I hadn’t made the bastard suffer more.

Killing Miller had also provided me with a good cover for remaining in Creswell Springs without Daria or Polina questioning my motives. A hefty donation to the university’s chancellor—along with the promise of not killing him in his sleep—and I’d become Trinity’s newest tenured professor in the History Department.

Daria thought I stuck around to watch Samara more closely, to better torture Anya when it was time. I wasn’t about to disabuse her of the notion, when the truth would put Abi on her radar. The longer Daria and Polina didn’t know about her, the safer she was. But I also knew it was only a matter of time before my surrogate mothers discovered her and what she meant to me.

“Mmm,” Abi whined, her hand moving faster.

Biting back a curse, I sat on the bed beside her. Gently grasping her arm, I pulled her hand free. In the glow of the moonlight, I saw her finger glisten with her honey. Her lashes barely lifted as she jerked at the loss of pleasure. “No, I’m so close,” she cried. “Please, please, please.”

I lifted her fingers to my mouth, licking up the sweet juice she had provided for me. I sucked her clean, wanting every last drop. How I had lasted two months without having her on my tongue was a miracle. Now that I’d tasted her, I didn’t know how I would go another day without more. “What do you need, zhizn moya?”

She pouted up at me, her sleep-glazed eyes begging. “I need to come. It hurts, Vaughn.”

“Fuck,” I groaned. The way she said my name told me she was dreaming of me. My jealousy receded, but it only made my need for her burn hotter.

My rational side told me not to do it, but the wilder, feral side that she was responsible for unleashing demanded I give her what she ached for. If she was in pain, it was my duty to ease it. My fucking privilege. No one could touch her, hold her, love her but me. And there she was, dreaming of me. Getting wet for me. Needing me.

Lying on her small bed, I turned her on her side so her back was to me. She grumbled her displeasure, thinking I was going to make her go back to sleep like I usually did.

I scraped my teeth over her neck as I rubbed my hand down her belly before dipping beneath her pajamas and panties. She was soaked, the cotton material of her underwear clinging to her lips. Spreading her open, I skimmed my thumb over her clit.

Her head fell back against my shoulder, her ass rubbing against me in circles as I teased the little bundle of nerves. “Oh. Oh. Th-that feels so good.”

I breathed in and out slowly, savoring the feel of her beneath my fingers for the first time, while attempting to control the overpowering need to crush her to me. My cock jerked against the confines of my slacks, the tip weeping as spurts of come spilled with each twist of her hips against me. My teeth ached to sink into her shoulder, to leave my mark for her to see as well as feel when I wasn’t with her. Instead, I lightly nipped at her flesh while I strummed her greedy little button.