Sadie smiled. “Hot chocolate it is.”

“You and your damn hot chocolate,” he mumbled as he walked beside her toward the cabin.

Sadie said nothing about the dead birds and squirrels littering the ground before her, knowing Skyler couldn’t see them. She didn’t understand why she was seeing dead things, why the shadows continued to follow her, or what they even were exactly. Demons? Spirits?

After collecting the bags from Crow Moon out of her truck, they headed inside the cabin. Sadie halted as that enticing honey and sandalwood scent wafted through the air. She inhaled deeply, searching around the living room.

“River again?” Skyler asked.

“You don’t smell honey or sandalwood?”

He shook his head. “Mostly pine. Maybe a hint of lavender.”

With a sigh, she sank down on the futon. “Don’t tell Charlie about any of this yet. I don’t want her to worry.”

“It’s not my place to tell her, but I think maybe you should stay with Charlie for a few days.” He lowered himself beside her, resting his elbows on his knees.

Charlie would know something was wrong and would worry too much. “No, I came here to write, and I’m going to continue.”

“But writing isn’t your top priority anymore, is it?”

It wasn’t—not in the least. “Something is here, and whether it has to do with River or not, my plan was always to come to this cabin, knowing that this place could be haunted. But my gut instinct is saying that River has some sort of unfinished business.” She paused, running a hand through her hair. “Anyway, even if I did go to Charlie’s, what makes you think something wouldn’t follow me there?”

“You’ve seen too many ghost movies.” Skyler sighed. “If it were me, I would’ve already gotten the hell out of these woods.”

Sadie cocked her head and folded her arms across her chest. “No, you wouldn’t have. You became a police officer for a reason. It would nag at you too much to uncover what was going on. You’re just saying that so I’ll leave.”

“Fine, you got me.” He chuckled softly, then immediately sobered. “Even though I’m worried about you, I’m not going to carry you out of here unless you ask me to.”

“If I get attacked by a spirit and end up having bloody gashes all over me, I’ll gladly ask you to,” Sadie said as she pulled the planchette from the plastic bag.

Skyler pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’re going to try that now?”

“After I make us something to drink.”

He skimmed his fingers across the casters of the planchette as she took a large drawing pad and permanent marker from the desk. She opened the notebook to a blank page and rested it on the coffee table, then tossed Skyler the permanent marker for the planchette.

Sadie prepared two mugs of regular hot chocolate since it would’ve been too close to her routine with River to do otherwise. Skyler didn’t even blow on his while drinking it down as if he were tossing back whiskey.

“You’re meant to savor the taste.” She grinned, lightly blowing on hers, the brown liquid rippling.

“I think this only made me thirstier,” he said, clucking his tongue against the roof of his mouth.

Sadie rolled her eyes. “There’s cold water in the fridge.”

“I probably should’ve started with that,” Skyler said with a grin while going to grab a water.

Sadie lit two of the black candles, unsure if she needed to perform a special chant or only have the flame ignited. As Skyler settled back beside her, she placed her fingers at the bottom of the planchette, praying it would move across the notepad.

Taking a breath, Sadie tried to relax her mind, focus on what she wanted to ask. “Hello?” she whispered. “Is anyone here?” River? Her heart pounded, and her fingers trembled in anticipation as she waited. But the planchette remained still. No shadows seeped into the room to brush the triangular piece, and no invisible hands either.

Sadie fired off question after question. “Are you River?” No response. “Are you one of the people who died in the woods?” The planchette didn’t budge. “Why are the woods quiet during the day? Why am I seeing dead animals? Why did the dowsing rods move?” Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. “Are you going to answer me?” Her voice shook, pleading for something, anything, to answer her. A feeling rested inside of her that she didn’t understand—anger, wanting to unleash itself.

Before she could ask another question, Skyler gently pressed his hand to hers. “Stop for now.”

“No,” Sadie said between clenched teeth.

“You can always try again later.”