“That’s fine, I have an alternative. Can you swing by in an hour?”

“Sure, but I don’t like the sound of this,” Skyler groaned.

She should’ve done this yesterday instead of wasting so much time digging a hole. If nothing worked, then maybe that night, she would find a way to the secret opening again. Even if she had to shatter the woods to get to it, she would.

“So what do you need?” Skyler asked when Sadie opened the front door. “You were incredibly vague, but I can put the pieces together since you asked about the dowsing rods. You want to go ghost hunting, am I right?”

“In a sense,” Sadie said, running a hand through her still-wet hair. “There’s a friend of Coral’s who owns a metaphysical shop downtown.”

“Crow moon?” He arched a brow.

“That’s the one. I want to purchase a few things there and have you watch me use them. If they work, then I won’t wonder if it’s me falling down a mad hole.” Imagining River…

“You didn’t ask Charlie?”

Sadie cocked her head. “Why? So she could say just being in the store would summon demons?”

He chuckled. “She would still go, though.”

“And complain the whole time.” She shut the door and motioned to her truck. “Just hop in, you don’t even have to use any gas.”

“That right there makes it worth it,” he said sarcastically.

“I’ll buy you a bundle of sage then.” Sadie waggled her brows.

“I can think of better things I’d rather have. How have you been sleeping?” he asked as she backed out onto the main road.

“Are you asking as a friend, or are you testing whether I need to see a shrink?”

Skyler’s face softened as he studied her. “When I’m with you, I’m your friend, not an officer. You know that.”

“Unless I’m doing something naughty.” She paused before sighing. “I’m not having nightmares like I did before moving here.” Instead, she was having something else, something she wanted to have more of…

“That’s a good sign.”

Sadie would tell him the rest once they returned to the cabin. She didn’t want his good mood to sour, for him to become concerned like her sister would have.

“From how Charlie’s acting, you must’ve told her the real reason you ended the engagement,” she said, changing the subject.

“I did.” He grinned.

“Good.” Sadie smiled, not needing to know any more details than that. They then chatted about mostly mundane things until she pulled up in front of a small shopping center.

A comic book store and an antique shop rested on either side of Crow Moon. They approached the gray brick building, the blue paint faded and peeling along its roof. In front of the metaphysical shop sat several black cauldrons beside crimson-painted skulls.

“As expected,” Skyler said, his gaze drifting from the outside decorations to the comic book store.

Sadie folded her arms, knowing he’d discovered one of his weaknesses. “Go check out the comic books and meet me back here. I don’t need you to hold my hand for this part.”

“Are you sure?” Skyler was already leaning toward the other store.

“Go. I know you can’t control yourself when it comes to heroes and villains. Plus, I want to be able to think in here.”

“Fine, but if you need me, text me, and I’ll come right back with my cape.” He grinned and walked to the comic book place while Sadie opened the glass door to Crow Moon.

A soft bell dinged as she entered, accompanied by a strong citrusy scent. Hanging above Sadie were two brass spherical incense burners. To her right, stood a charcoal desk and white counter. Behind it, a middle-aged woman with long dark hair, wearing jeweled bracelets along both arms, rang up a customer. Beside the desk, connected to the wall, was a plastic gate, behind which sat a large rottweiler, panting, its beady eyes fixed on her.

“Don’t mind him—he won’t come out,” the woman said, gesturing at the dog with a welcoming smile. “Can I help you with anything?”