“I mean, this was your idea,” Sadie pointed out. “I would’ve been completely satisfied with Cirque.”

“I brought this on myself then.” Charlie laughed, her expression sobering. “Are you all right though? Back there…”

“I’m perfectly peachy.” But she knew her sister could tell otherwise, could see straight through her lie, even though Charlie nodded.

Sadie stayed quiet for most of the car ride home, wishing they were in her truck so she could turn on one of their grandfather’s cassettes. As if knowing, Charlie put the radio on a station that played older music. Sadie’s shoulders relaxed as the strum of the acoustic guitar comforted her for the remainder of the ride.

“Why is there a police car in your driveway?” Charlie asked, squinting as she pulled up to the cabin. “Skyler’s here!”

Sadie gave Charlie her most innocent look while perking up in her seat. “I might have forgotten to mention that Skyler would be here. He’s helping me find something in the woods.”

“What the hell?” Charlie parked the car and unzipped her purse. “I should disown you.”

“Then why are you putting on lipstick?” Sadie laughed.

“You’re still a pest,” Charlie grumbled as she applied the scarlet color to her lips that she only ever wore around Skyler.

“No one said you needed to stay. You can drop me off and leave.” Sadie grinned while stepping out of the car.

Charlie glared daggers at her and opened the door.

“Hey, the woods look clear, and so does the area around the property and shed.” Skyler slipped out from the side of the cabin, carrying a flashlight. His gaze shifted from Sadie to her sister, locking on her. “Charlie, it was nice seeing you that brief moment at the store the other day.”

Charlie held up a finger. “Don’t start with me about that. And what do you mean the woods look clear?”

“Sadie saw something out here last night,” Skyler said.

“Something supernatural,” Sadie clarified.

“I told you not to move out here!” Charlie shrieked, her expression horrified.

“Lots of people live with spirits in their homes.”

Charlie pursed her lips, seeming to try and calm herself. “Who the hell would intentionally want to do that, other than you? Besides that, I don’t really believe these woods are haunted. And if they were, what would you do? Call out a priest? You’re coming home with me.”

“Calm down, Mom. You do realize I’m twenty-four years old.”

Charlie seethed, hating when Sadie called her that, but she needed to realize that she had to let her go. She’d been married, lived with River for several years, but as soon as she moved back in with her, she stepped into the overprotective sister she’d been when they were younger.

“Sadie, I don’t care if you’re fifty.” She cast a glance at Skyler. “Talk some sense into her. You’re a police officer!”

He scratched the back of his neck, clearly not wanting to get in the middle of things. “There hasn’t been anything suspicious in these woods since, well, the last murder-suicide. Honestly, there’s more violence in the city.”

“That’s because more people live there,” Charlie snapped.

Sadie drew out her phone to show them the pictures and video she’d taken earlier. “You see how the shadows are moving on the ground? Nothing else was.”

Skyler arched a brow. “If that’s what you consider haunted, you might want to consider watching more movies or documentaries.”

Sadie rolled her eyes. “What about the woods? It’s not quiet anymore.”

“It’s nighttime, things tend to get louder.” Skyler shrugged.

“Do I need to stay here with you for a bit?” Charlie asked, her voice soft.

The conversation was getting nowhere, and Sadie wanted her sister and Skyler to be alone together to face their past, especially after what he’d confessed. Life was too short, and someone could disappear from one’s life at any moment. She knew that better than anyone.

“I wouldn’t get any work done if you did that. But I love you, and I’ll text you tomorrow. Same goes for you, Skyler. Thank you for coming out.” Unable to hold back a smile, Sadie hurried to the front door and knew without a doubt that Charlie was throwing invisible weapons at her back.