Page 1 of Theo




My cock disappears between her lips as she sucks me to the back of her throat. Charity’s moans mix with mine when I slip past the tight ring of muscle at the back of her mouth. She holds me there for a moment before pulling away to take a breath. My hands run across every part of her I can reach, pushing stray hairs from her sweat-slicked forehead before wrapping her hair around my fist.

“You take me so well, Viper.”

She hums in appreciation, the vibrations spreading across my nerves like fireworks. Fingers dig into my hips as she bobs her head, taking me all the way to the back of her throat with each pass.

“I’m gonna come,” I warn, running my thumb along her swollen bottom lip. “You want me to come down your pretty little throat, sweet girl?”

Her fingers dig into my hips, pulling them forward as she sinks down my cock again. It isn’t long before my orgasm is sparked by the feel of her swallowing around the tip of my cock.

“So good, Viper.” I drop to the ground, pulling her lips to mine in a bruising kiss. “So, fucking good for me.”

Charity moves easily when I press her back, kissing a line down the center of her body. Her back arches when I sink my teeth around one nipple, and I smother a wicked grin against her skin before trailing my mouth the rest of the way down. My face presses between spread thighs, one arm snaking around to slide my fingers against her clit. She makes a noise I don’t quite hear with her legs clamped on either side of my head. Frustration eats at me as I double my efforts, wishing I could hear the sounds she makes when she’s coming on my face.

Another muffled moan filters toward my ears as I press two fingers into Charity’s dripping cunt. I run my tongue along her swollen clit, pulling my head free of her thighs.

Charity opens her mouth, but the noise is as distant as before. Desperately, I crawl up her body as a soft buzzing sound fills the air between us. Frowning, I press closer, trying to hear her moans over the increasing volume of the vibrations. When I realize the sound is coming from her mouth, everything shatters, startling me into consciousness.

It was a dream.

It’s always a fucking dream.

Grabbing for the vibrating phone before it rattles off the side of the nightstand, I slide my thumb along the screen as my eyes sweep the room.

The afternoon sun is fighting through the crack between the curtains, sending shafts of light across the barren room. I’ve lived here for six years, but it could have been six weeks for the amount of personal effects dotted around the space. If my brother still lived here, he would give me so much shit about not making the house a “home”. Matthew hasn’t been around much since our mother died, but I don’t blame him for that. If all I had left tying me to this life was one useless brother, I would cut him out, too.

Merrick MacAlister is already talking when I get the phone to my ear, but his barked order is clear as day.

“Get to Callum’s. Now.”

Half an hour later, I’m pulling through the front gates of Callum’s new home in Bray Creek. I creep up the driveway, unsure what awaits me at the other end. A breath hisses from my lungs when I see three of the five MacAlister Brothers standing in front of what can only be described as carnage.

Callum’s house is ruined, the entire front riddled with bullet holes, but that isn’t what catches my eye. It’s the bodies. There are bodies everywhere; in the bushes, along the porch, strewn across the driveway. I even spot one in a tree as I pass beneath it.

Grant, Merrick, and Lachlan all turn at the sound of my approach, but they quickly resume their conversation when they see me. Getting out of the car, I hear Grant mention “widening the search”, and Lachlan starts talking about a cabin in the woods behind the house. It’s clear someone is missing, but I can’t be sure who.

“How can I help?”

Three sets of eyes turn in my direction, but it’s Grant who answers my question. It doesn’t surprise me that he’s in control of the situation. As the oldest MacAlister Brother, it’s his job to lead. “I’m not sure yet. We need to figure out–”

“We found them!”

A voice comes from deep in the woods off the left side of the house a moment before Maddock MacAlister steps out of the trees. He looks larger than normal, and it takes me a moment to realize it’s because his tattoo-covered arms are holding a small child to his chest. The girl’s dark hair marks her as a MacAlister, and I know it’s his daughter, Miles.

Maddock is halfway across the yard when something moves in the trees behind him. Callum is holding his daughter to his chest and pulling Rosalind behind him. There’s a wild look in his eyes, and his knuckles are white from how hard he’s gripping Rosalind’s hand.

The moment Maddock reaches us, Merrick steps to his side, pushing the hair off Miles’ face to make sure she’s alright before he turns angry eyes on his twin. “You need stitches.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’re not.”

I have to agree with Merrick on this one; Maddock is not fine. I can see blood soaking his shirt and dripping down the front of his pants. Merrick says something else, but it’s too quiet to hear over the sound of Callum stomping toward us across the gravel drive. Once they’re within arm’s reach, Callum quickly kisses his daughter’s head, mumbling something in her ear before passing her to his youngest brother. Lachlan pulls Violet into his arms, quietly shushing her muffled cries.