Page 53 of Theo

“Anything for you, Charity Lawson.”



There is nothing I love more than the taste of Charity Lawson. Except, perhaps, the sound of her moaning my name as she comes apart on my tongue.

Only, it’s not my name that she’s moaning.

“Who the fuck is Teddy?”

Charity jumps, pulled from the edge of her orgasm by my angry question. “Y-You are.”

“The fuck I am,” I sit up, letting her legs fall on either side of my hips. “Who is he?”

She groans, throwing an arm over her eyes as if she can’t bear to look at me while she says the words. “He’s you, Dickbag. I was trying to be sweet and give you a nickname.”

I watch her for a long moment, unsure how to respond. “And you went with Teddy?”

“Your name is Theodore!”

“Yeah, but I already have a Theodore nickname. It’s Theo,” I say it slowly, like she might not have already known that.

Charity flips me off, still not taking her arm away from her eyes. “I’m aware, you asshole. I was trying to...” she trails off, a deep blush staining her cheeks and spreading down her chest. She’s embarrassed. What could she possibly have to be embarrassed about?

“Trying to what?”


“Nah,” I crawl up her body, hovering over her face. Gently, I move her arm out of the way, waiting until she opens her eyes before I continue. “You have to tell me now.”

“Leave it, Dickbag.”

Shaking my head, I drop my full weight on her. Charity wheezes, mumbling something about overgrown idiots under her breath. “Tell me. I won’t make fun of it, even if it’s really fucking stupid.”

Her eyes narrow on my too-bright smile. “I might actually hate you.”

“You really don’t,” I promise, quickly kissing her lips. “Tell me.”

She sighs dramatically, rolling her eyes toward the headboard. “I was trying to give you a nickname that was just mine. Like how you’re the only one who calls me Viper.”

“I already have a nickname that only you call me.”

“Oh, yeah,” she snorts, her tone laced with sarcasm. “That’s super cute. I can’t wait to introduce people to my husband, Dickbag.”

“Your husband? That’s a bit presumptuous.”

“I think we need to revisit whether or not I hate you.”

“No, we don’t,” I smirk down at her, enjoying the way she’s writhing against me as she tries to crawl out from under my body. “You love me so much you just called me your husband. You cannot hate me and want me to be your husband. Trust me on this. I’m the expert.”

“How are you the expert?”

“I’ve been in plenty of relationships with women who hate me, and none of them ever called me their husband.”

“That’s a lie! You were never in relationships before me.”

The silence that descends around the room is palpable. “And how would you know that?”