Page 51 of Theo

“If you need anything built, just let me know. Tables, cabinets, shelves, I can do it all, baby.” He winks at me when I roll my eyes, but I know he’s serious. This fucking man found me a perfect spot for my art. He made sure it was a place I could use as a gallery or a studio, whichever I wanted, and he’s offering to build whatever I need to fill the space.

My mind races, thoughts tumbling over one another in their attempt to get to the front of my brain fastest. Theo doesn’t just choose me; he loves me. He shows me every minute of every day, and how do I repay him for that love? I make jokes about his dick being too big and roll my eyes when he does something kind.

I’m fucking this all up.

“I love you.”

And now I’m fucking it up in a whole new way! What the Hell was that?

Theo goes very still, his eyes widening past the point I thought possible. “You...what?”

Fuck it. In for a penny, in for a pound, or whatever the ridiculous saying is. “I love you. I know I haven’t been the best at showing it because I’m not good at this stuff like you are, but I want you to know I love you.”

He continues to stare at me as if I might disappear if he blinks. Thinking he just needs more time to process, I make the potentially terrible decision to keep talking.

“I love that you make me laugh. Every day. I love that you care about the people in your life and would do anything for them. I love that you’re smart, but you don’t shove it in other people’s faces when they don’t understand things as quickly as you do. I love that you cook. I love that you never complain when I warm my toes against your thighs at night. I love that you stalked me for years to make sure I was safe, even though it was definitely creepy.”

A smile tugs at his lips, but he still doesn’t move.

“I love that you are always kind, even when you’re frustrated with me. I love that you’re fucking standing here, staring at me like I’m saying something insane when you’ve spent every minute of the last two months showing me how much you love me. You told me you wanted everything, and I don’t think I realized what that actually meant, but now I do. Your love is big and all-encompassing, and I’m so fucking lucky to be on the receiving end of even an ounce of that love. So, I wanted you to know I feel it, and I love you, too.”

Theo takes a step toward me, then another, moving slowly through the space until he’s standing directly in front of me. He still hasn’t said anything, but that little smile is back, threatening to break across his face at any moment.

“Are you done saying all the things you love about me?” My eyebrows drop as I give him an are you fucking kidding glare, but he just laughs. “I love you, too. If that wasn’t obvious.”

“It was,” I huff, wrapping my arms around his stomach. His fingers slide through my hair, tipping my head back so he can press our lips together. The kiss quickly gets out of hand, the feel of his body pressed so tightly to mine driving me crazy. “Hurry up and show me the rest so we can go home.”

Theo smirks, giving me one more kiss before stepping away. He laces our fingers together, pulling me toward the back of the building. We step through one of the doors in the back hall, and I suck in a breath. The room is small, with plain white walls and the same wood floors that run through the rest of the place, but the entire ceiling and back wall are made of two large sheets of glass. There’s nothing but forest outside the window, making it feel like we’ve entered another world.

My fingers twitch, itching for my sketch pad or a canvas to capture the sudden flood of ideas. I can’t wait to set up my easel in here, and I’m already planning what shelves I’ll need Theo to build when he wraps his arms around me, pressing his chest against my back.

“This is where I thought you might want to paint.”

“It’s perfect, Theo.”

“I’m glad you like it, Viper.”

“I don’t like it,” I correct, spinning in his arms. I take him by surprise, shoving against his chest until he stumbles into the wall behind him. “I love it.”

“Charity, what—” his question cuts off when I drop to my knees, quickly working open the button on his jeans. I don’t normally catch him off guard enough to let me do this. The last two times I’ve tried, he has flipped us around and ended up with his head between my thighs.

Not that I’m complaining. I’m just not letting it happen this time.


“No.” I shake my head, pulling his jeans and underwear down to reveal his rapidly hardening cock. “You’re going to let me choke on your dick, Theodore.”

“Jesus,” he laughs, running a hand through my hair as I shift closer between his spread legs. “If that’s what you want.”

“It is.” I run my hand along his shaft, mentally estimating how much I’m going to be able to fit and what I’ll have to make up for with my hand. Saliva pools in my mouth at the thought of him pushing against the back of my throat, and I bite back a groan. “I swear I’ve been dreaming about getting your cock in my mouth.”

Theo makes a noise that sounds almost like pained laughter. Looking up, I meet his wide gaze with my own. “Pretty sure I’ve had those dreams, too.”

Narrowing my eyes, I lean forward, licking a stripe up the underside of his dick. Theo hisses, his fingers tightening in my hair. “One of these days, we’re going to have a serious conversation about your issues with accepting pleasure.”

“Whatever you want, Viper.” He groans when my tongue swirls around the head of his cock, but it’s nothing compared to the sound he makes when I suck him into my mouth. His breath hitches, short bursts of air hissing through his teeth as I pull him to the back of my throat. “Fuck. Fuck! Viper, can I help you? Can I, fuck, sweet girl, can I do something?”

Pulling back, I glare up at him. “Am I doing something wrong?”