Page 20 of Theo

“Fuck off, Dickbag,” she snaps, jerking open the passenger door of the SUV before I can reach for the handle.

“Charity,” I grab the door frame, stopping her from pulling it shut. “What did I do?”

“Nothing, Theodore. You didn’t do anything at all.” Her words are full of sharp inflections and hidden meanings, but I can’t figure out what’s got her so angry. “Shut the door, Dickbag.”

There’s something final about the snap of the door closing between us, but I’m not sure what to do about it.




“What?” Theo’s clipped tone surprises me, but the man on the other end of the call doesn’t seem to notice. Whoever it is sounds far friendlier than Theo’s being, which is an odd thing to hear. Theo’s usually the nicest man in any situation, and I can’t help but frown when he tells the guy to “Handle it yourself.”

Theo must feel my eyes on him because he turns toward me, sighing when he sees the way I’m looking at him. “Never mind, Julius. I’ll be there in half an hour.”

The phone drops into the cupholder harder than necessary as we pull into Callum’s driveway. Theo pauses before entering the gate code, turning to face me.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“I’m not sure,” he admits. “I feel like I’m doing something to fuck this up, but I don’t know what it is, and I’m not sure how to stop doing it.”

My mouth opens, a rant on the tip of my tongue when I realize what I’m about to say. Am I really going to call this man selfish for giving me three orgasms across two separate occasions without asking for anything in return? When was the last time I slept with a guy who even cared if I came, much less ensured my orgasms before his own?

Theo takes my prolonged silence as a lack of answer and leans over to enter the gate code. We’ve just passed through the iron monstrosities when I find my voice again. “I’m sorry.”

“You don’t need?—”

“Theo,” I roll my eyes at how quickly his mouth snaps shut at the name. “I was feeling self-conscious, and I took it out on you. That was shitty of me.”

He doesn’t respond right away, the silence stretching between us. We’re all the way to the house before he carefully asks, “What could you possibly have to be self-conscious about?”

That’s such an embarrassing question. How do you tell someone I just really wanted your dick in my mouth, and it kind of felt like you maybe didn’t want your dick in my mouth?

“Uh, I just,” I have to look away from him before I can continue. “You’ve been paying so much attention to me, and every time I offer to, you know, return the favor, you shut me down, and it kind of felt like you didn’t really want me”

Silence. So much unbearably loud silence follows my awkward admission I want to run away. My door is halfway open when a large hand closes over mine on the door handle, pulling it closed again. Theo is so close to my body I can feel the heat radiating off his chest, but I refuse to turn around.

“I want you to do that,” his breath ghosts against my skin with each word, sending shivers up my spine. “I want everything from you, Viper.”

“Then why do you turn me away every time?”

“I don’t.”

“You do.”

“I...shit.” Theo exhales, resting his forehead against the back of my neck. “There’s a conversation we need to have, Charity, but not here. Not right now. I can’t,” he sighs, moving back to his side of the car. I immediately miss the heat of his body pressed against mine. A gentle hand tips my chin in his direction. “I will explain next time. I promise.”

“Next time?” I raise an eyebrow at the confidence behind his words when I’m feeling anything but confident right now.

“There will be a next time, Viper. And a time after that,” he adds, a small smile spreading across his face. “There will be a lifetime of next times if I have anything to say about it.”

Before I can react to the seriousness of what he’s just said, Theo pulls me into a mind-melting kiss and then shoos me out of the car with everyone’s food. He waits until I’m inside the house before he leaves, his eyes tracking my every movement until the front door closes behind me.

A lifetime of next times? What have I gotten myself into?