Page 90 of Callum

I’ve offered to take a few watches, and he always agrees, but he’s already sitting up in bed every time I go to wake him. He tells me everything is fine whenever I’ve asked him about it. He says he’s just “worried”. He’s worried about me. He’s worried about our daughter. He’s worried about his brothers, and the Father, and whatever the GiGi’s have been doing because they’ve been too quiet not to be up to something.

“Maybe JJ knows where she is?”

“Maybe,” Callum agrees, turning toward the back door. “Only one way to find out.”

We creep across the backyard, sticking to the fence line to avoid being seen. There’s a secret gate behind a massive hedge at the back, and we slip through it without a sound. The yard abuts a walking path, and we descend onto the worn trail without incident. Two minutes later, we’re getting into Callum’s Range Rover in the packed parking lot at the trail’s end.

We sit in silence for the entire fifteen-minute drive to the Warehouse, each mentally preparing ourselves for what we’re about to learn.

Part Four: Goods and Services


“The Don”

Three Years Ago

“Nothing, sir.”

“What do you mean, ‘nothing’? She’s had three weeks!” My fist slams against the table, making several people jump.

Pearson shakes his head again, and my blood begins to boil. That little bitch, Ginetta Ricci, isn’t holding up her end of the deal.

“It would appear she needs something of a reminder—”

“You can’t kill her.” Ford’s bored voice cuts in from my right, and I turn narrowed eyes at her.

“Excuse me?”

“You can’t kill her.”

“Why the fuck not?” I sniff, trying to keep my anger from boiling over again. Why do I even allow Ford to live?

“She’s in with the Grim Reaper.”

You could hear a pin drop in the silence that follows Ford’s statement.

“How the FUCK,” I demand, both hands fisting at my sides. “Is Ginetta fucking Ricci in with Grim?”

“No idea,” she shrugs, leaning back in her chair to prop one booted foot against the Table’s edge.

The fucking disrespect.

“All I know is the Grim Reaper has four protected souls in the Underworld. Ginetta, Kyler, Harlowe, and,” she leans forward, pointedly looking me in the eyes. “Rosalind White.”

“Bullshit,” I snap, reaching over to knock her foot off my Table. “I pay you to gather legitimate information, not—”

“You actually don’t pay me.”


The words echo through the room, and I hear Lincoln’s soft sigh fill the air behind it. “I allow you to live,” I try again, keeping my tone level. “In exchange for accurate information. Is this accurate information?”

Ford rolls her eyes, and Chevy snaps his fingers at her. “Quit, you ungrateful shit. Answer him.”

“Yes, Don,” her voice drips with sarcasm, but I force myself to let it go. Lincoln should be fucking proud. “The information is accurate. It comes from on-high.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” Chevy demands, his patience wearing as thin as mine.