Page 29 of King of the Dawn

My breath hitched. Were they closer to finding him? I opened my mouth to ask, but knew better. He’d shut down just like he always did. And I didn’t want to argue. I just wanted my husband to be here for me. Instead, I let out a yawn.

“Shh,” he whispered, his thumb stroking my cheek after he rolled onto his side to face me. “Sweet dreams my queen.”


“Yes, Eve?” The calloused pad of his finger continued to move against my face in soft, gentle movements.

“You’re tense, baby,” I said, my hand snaking down his hard body until I reached between his thighs. “Let me help you fall asleep.”

His teeth nipped at my earlobe. “You need your beauty rest. I’ll be fine.”

I sighed, shaking my head. The worry in his tone was there. I knew him well enough that I knew if he didn’t get help, he’d be tossing and turning beside me. And as much as I cared about his rest, I knew he cared about mine more.

“If you’re tossing beside me, I won’t get any sleep, Jericho.” I shoved the covers aside, then climbed out of bed to grab the lavender infused lotion that I knew would help him fall asleep. Moonlight crept in, and I caught the pursed look on his face as he watched me come back. “Did you at least drink the tea I left for you?”

“You left tea for me?”

I sighed. “In the kitchen. Next to Rose’s.”

“I just assumed it was all for her.”

“There’s some with Alastair’s name, and some for you. Drink it before bed tomorrow?”

“What’s in it?”

I waved a finger in the air in a circling motion, telling him without words to settle onto his stomach, then continued to talk as he got comfortable. “It’ll help you sleep. And ease some of the ache in your joints. You’re no spring chicken. You need to take care of yourself, Jericho.”

He snorted. “Gee, thanks. Here I thought marrying you would bring me some youth.”

I straddled his waist, then squirted the contents of the bottle in my hand, working to dig into his shoulders. “I’m being serious. You may deflect with your sarcasm, but Rose has two babes on the way. She and Alastair will need us. And even though you don’t see it, I know you’re struggling to get moving in the mornings. We have a lifetime of chasing young ones yet to go. So drink the tea and make your wife happy.”

He grunted as I hit a sore spot between shoulder blades, and I continued to dig in to relieve the tension. “The only reason I struggle to get started in the mornings is because I have a succubus sleeping in my bed. My wife is a siren, and she isn’t satisfied unless I give her her morning orgasm.”

It was my turn to snort. “If I recall, you’ve been slipping out of bed before I even wake. So next excuse, tyrant.”

He fell silent, and I knew it was because there was none. He’d been slipping from my fingers, and I was scared to ask why. Instead, I’d prove myself to be valuable to him. I’d help him sleep, show him how much he meant to me, and be there for him when he needed me. For all of them. Yuliya, Rose and Alastair were now a part of my family, too.

Soon, Jericho’s breaths became shallow, and I knew he was drifting into unconsciousness. I continued massaging him for a few moments to be sure he was asleep before I slipped beside him, and drew the comforter over me.

He wasn’t in a deep sleep, though, as he rolled to his back, pulling me into his body.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and pressed my head into his chest, and inhaled his scent. The familiarity of sandalwood soothed any doubts of our relationship. He smelled like home, and I would cling to him for as long as it took to make him realize that.

I wouldn’t let him withdraw from me. These late nights, dinners without him, they all meant he was pulling away, and I didn’t think I’d survive being stripped away from my home once again. Leaving Ireland against my will had been enough to make me realize I needed an anchor, a home. I needed a place to call my own, and he was becoming that for me.

I hadn’t called a place home in almost sixteen years. This was long overdue.

His hand moved to my back, and he rubbed soothing circles. The warmth of his touch combined with that smell made me sleepy again.

“I’m ready to be home,” I said, my eyes growing heavy. I couldn’t open them, even though I wanted to.

Jericho stirred, and through a lazy murmur he said, “As soon as it’s safe, I will let you go.”

“Hmm,” I mumbled, snuggling into him. “I love you.”

He didn’t say it back.

Chapter Twelve