Page 50 of Almost Pretend

I let out a deep, dramatic groan, rolling my eyes and throwing my head back before thrusting my phone at Grandma.

“See? See?”

“He’s being polite and responding directly,” she retorts blandly. “If you want to talk about something else, say something interesting, girl.”

“You are the worst dating coach ever.”

“Considering the two of you skipped past dating and went straight to marriage ...”

“It’s fake! And I shouldn’t be trying to figure out how to get my fiancé to notice me!”

Grandma chuckles, still patiently setting out her puzzle pieces. “Be yourself. The rest will happen naturally.”

“Thanks, Jack Handey,” I mutter, staring down at my phone.

What am I supposed to say to a brick wall?

Hey, are we still supposed to do that press conference thing? It sounded pretty urgent but then you fell off the map, I send.

Jet Daddy: Distractions of the legal kind. The conference is scheduled for tomorrow, even if it is less of a conference and more of a meet.

Oof. His texts are just as formal and no nonsense as the way he talks.

I’m not smiling at it.

I’m not.

Elle: So when were you going to tell me so I could get ready?

Jet Daddy: I would have arrived early enough to pick you up so you’d have time to get dressed. Unless you need help with that too.


His response hacks me down to a nub.

Somehow, my fingers keep typing.

Elle: Um. I still would’ve appreciated a note beforehand. A carrier pigeon. An Inkygram. Whatever.

Inkygram? Hmm.

That gives me an idea, something small teasing at the back of my mind, percolating and waiting for me to figure out what it is. But I’m too distracted by August’s answer to think too deeply.

Jet Daddy: Obviously, I didn’t have your number.

Elle: Ha ha ha.

Jet Daddy: Did I say something funny?

Of course he didn’t.

“You’re smiling,” Gran points out. “Is he wagging his tail now like a good boy who’s happy to see you?”

“Gran, he’s not a dog.” I laugh. “I don’t know why I think it’s so cute anyway.”

So what’s going on with the lawsuit? I text. Why the hell would anyone sue Little Key?

Jet Daddy: I’m heading to a meeting. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 7:30 sharp.