Page 213 of Almost Pretend

He’ll leave me craving more of this addiction, this man who’s all gruffness when his head rears back, when his gaze drills mine, when he fists my hair with a single command.

“Fucking come with me, Elle. Come.”

And I do.

God help me, I obey, blinded while white-hot pleasure rips up his throat and he pours himself into me.

He empties his balls inside me with his teeth clenched, grinding my name between his teeth like an animal.

We share it all.

This strange, perfect moment that says he belongs to me.

After tonight, I belong to him forever.

Months later

Let’s get one thing straight—I do not have that much stuff.

So why is moving in with August such a pain?

His house—oh, it’s ours now, isn’t it?—our house is nice. Tons of open, airy space.

And very little storage.

I might not have that much stuff, but I do have a lot of art supplies.

I stand against the window in the guest bedroom, which doubles as my newly converted studio. I’ve already hung my framed original sketches of Kiki the Koala, plus a special original Inky print Clara gifted me.

I’m so insanely glad she never surrendered it to Marissa Sullivan.

Well, Marissa would have had to give it back anyway.

Just last week, August finalized the acquisition and merger of her company. A sobered-up Marissa is now a junior executive at Little Key, managing her own line of children’s books, with her flagship product being—


Villain to boss. What a twist.

Then again, my whole life has been bonkers for the past six months.

I went from only being on the cover of tabloids as August’s fiancée, famous by proxy, to making headlines as Little Key announced a new coauthor on the newly expanded Inky line.

Never, in my wildest dreams, did I ever imagine such a thing, but when Clara Marshall asks, you answer.

I’m barely her apprentice anymore, but her partner. We put her name and Inky back in the headlines, and together we worked up the new product line, new books, the revived and smashingly successful pen pal program.

Then people started asking when I’d put out my own books.

Suddenly, I had shiny new social media shouts. Instead of jealous women calling me the gold-digging whore, I now have people screaming, You’re my kids’ favorite, we love you, please show us more!

I even pitched Kiki the Koala to Marissa. I did it fair and square, because if anyone would reject me instead of being forced to accept it because I’m sharing a bed with the now-permanent CEO, Marissa would do it out of spite.

Look, she’s on the twelve-step programs. Getting sober. Doing well.

She’s actually getting along with her mother, and grudgingly accepting that Clara may end up as her stepmother soon.

She even made amends with Merrick, coughing up the money for his granddaughter’s education, plus enough damages to afford Rick a decent retirement. When he begged August for forgiveness, though, August agreed to let him do occasional deliveries and rides.