Page 201 of Almost Pretend


I’ve never made a bigger mess from just walking into a room.

The moment I enter, the entire courtroom erupts into chaos.

“Objection!” shouts one of Marissa’s lawyers, flying to his feet.

Marissa stands, too, cupping her hands over her mouth as she screams, “What the fuck, asshole?”

Aunt Clara pops up next.

“Yvette?!” she cries.

And promptly starts to faint, with Deb struggling to catch her.

“Clara!” Yvette screams.

And so does—


Why is Elle here?

Bright as a new-bloomed flower, her blonde hair flying behind her as she rushes around the wooden barrier and drops to Aunt Clara’s side. She sinks down in a crouch with Deb as they both help Clara up.

She’s already coming to, shaking off her daze, her eyes blinking open.

Marissa whirls on us.

Yvette had started to rush forward, but now she freezes as Marissa points a stern finger at her.

“What’s she doing here? Get her out of here!”

“If everyone would kindly shut up,” the judge demands, his voice booming as he slams his gavel several times. He throws me a fierce look over his glasses. “Sir, this is a private case. Unless you have business here, you’re asking for contempt of court—”

“I’m sorry for barging in late,” I cut in. “I have a quarter share in Little Key. My name is August Marshall, acting CEO. Clara Marshall is my aunt. This case pertains to me as well. And this”—I gently nudge a shy, faltering Yvette forward—“is the plaintiff’s mother, Yvette Sullivan. Also, Clara’s long-separated lover.”

Everyone in the room gasps except Clara and Yvette.

They just stare at each other in disbelief.

They watch each other the same way I can’t help but look at Elle.

Like they’ve been blind all this time, but now they can finally see, and their first restored vision is the glory of lost love.

Everything they’ve craved through the darkness for all this time.

It’s definitely a moment.

Intense and heart wrenching and beautiful to see.

Clara can’t take her eyes off Yvette, even while Elle and Deb help her up on shaky feet, her lips mouthing, Yvette, Yvette, Yvette ...

Elle looks up then.

Her eyes meet mine, that soft hazel gold—my tiger kitten, my jewel, my insane bright summer flower.

Yes, I know.