“And I swore I wasn’t too tired then passed out. Who carried me up here?” I stretched, feeling wonderful.

“Me.” Ansel trailed a finger down my cheek. “You’re welcome.”

“You could give me time to thank you first,” I snarked. “Thank you, Ansel.”

“You’re welcome, mate.”

I was adjusting to so much right now. I wanted to make love with them again, but I also wanted to shift and run with them in the forest. The “with them” part came into everything I wanted to do, places I wanted to go, everything. Well, almost everything. “I’d love to run with you, but first I need to make a call. Would you give me privacy for a few minutes?”

“Of course.” Ansel rolled off the bed and to his feet. “You’re calling your mother?”

“I have questions. Neither of my parents is a shifter, of that, I’m sure. So where did they get me?”

Edward sat up. He cupped my chin and tipped my face up to his. “Are you sure you want to ask that question?”

“I have to.”

Edward kissed me softly. “Then let us stay and offer moral support.”

“For everything else for the rest of our lives, but I need to do this myself.”

“All right.”

The two left the room, closing the door behind them, and I reached for my phone. My heart rate ramped up. There would be no going back, and I couldn’t even guarantee she’d tell me the truth.

You’re not alone.

Do you know these answers?

Not all. Call her. Then, when you know, we can go forward.

I had a particularly wise wolf.

Yes, you do.

I pressed Mom in contacts.

Ten minutes later, I disconnected and let the phone fall to the bed. I’d wondered if I was adopted, if there was a chance of a baby mix-up, but what I never saw coming was my buttoned-up, do-everything-to-please-society mother having an affair. She had met him just once so maybe it wasn’t even an affair, but she’d definitely slept with him, and she knew almost nothing about him. My biological father. Sounded like I knew more about him than she did. And I didn’t tell her about being a sun bear shifter.

“How did it go?” Edward stood in the doorway.

“Okay. My mom cheated on my dad or maybe cheated with my bio dad. Anyway, it was a one-night stand. All the time, she tried to force me into a mold and it was one she stepped out of herself.”

“Does her husband know?” Ansel appeared behind his friend.

“No. Not that she’s aware of. But I am still going to call him my father unless I’m told not to because while I was not a good fit, they tried their best to raise me, and weirdly I think it will be better now. I’m going to keep some distance for a bit.”

“You didn’t tell her about us?”

“No. I will but this was a one-topic conversation. And I think she’s going to really like you both. It’s not something I choose to give her right this minute. It can wait a bit. I told her I’m out of state, so she’ll know not to expect me for Sunday dinner for a while.”

“How do you feel about all this?” Edward came and sat next to me, linking our hands. Ansel sat on the other side.

“I feel free. I may, someday, try to track down my bio dad. Maybe with DNA?”

“There is a shifter DNA service.” Ansel bumped my shoulder with his. “It might be a good idea, but maybe don’t rush. Be sure it’s what you want to do.”

“For now, I want to go on a run with my favorite grizzly bears.” Leaping off the bed, I shifted and bounded out of the room and down the stairs. I realized I’d shredded the borrowed hoodie, but not much I could do about that now.

The thudding of big paws behind me told me my mates were coming. We would be running together as a family for the first time. And it was my first outdoor run as my sun bear. The kitchen door was open, good planning on someone’s part, and I raced out the door, leading the chase for the time being. Everything smelled incredible. Even the sunshine seemed to have a scent.

I’d never felt the kind of joy the past few days brought me or even knew it was possible. Seemed I’d had blinders on, but Fate stepped in and changed everything. I had barely spent any time with my cat in the past couple of days outside of feeding her, but she hadn’t seemed upset. Maybe she wanted a break from being my sole support. She deserved a lot of treats.

Now, I wanted to find out if sun bears could climb trees. If they liked swimming. What they liked to eat and if I’d be okay with whatever it was raw. I had a long way to go to get to know my bear, my mates, heck, the new version of me. But anything done in love was worth it. And their house was virtually stuffed with love.

I made a big turn to head back to the house, ready to relax with my cat, my books, my coffee, and my mates, not necessarily in that order.