She was actually bordering on fury. Nicholas hadn’t mentioned anything about arranging to meet her father. So much for there being no more secrets! He knew how scared she was of her father. He ought to believe her when she said he was dangerous. Meeting him, having a head-on confrontation, was madness.
The phone rang and Nicholas jumped up to answer it.
‘He won’t even let me answer the phone now. God knows what he thinks is going to happen if I do answer it.’
Of course, it could also be because he was waiting for a call back from Sandra arranging the meeting with her father.
‘He’s worried for you, Freya. I’m worried for you too. Having someone get into your house like that and do a crazy thing… it’s unsettling,’ Roger told her.
‘It’s Sasha for you.’ Nicholas held the phone out to her.
‘Shit, I forgot to ring her. Hello, Sasha. Did Mrs Garcia turn up? I’m so sorry, I meant to ring you to cancel her and…’
‘It’s fine, she came and I saw her. She’s booked a session with you next week,’ Sasha spoke.
Freya moved out into the hall.
‘Oh thanks. That was great of you.’
‘So are you coming in to the office today?’
‘Er no, not today. We had a bit of a time of it last night. Nick’s driver got attacked by this gang and the car was smashed up. Then when we got home last night someone had been in our house.’
Saying it out loud made her realise how bad this situation had become.
‘No! How awful! Was it a robbery?’ Sasha exclaimed.
‘We don’t exactly know yet. Anyway, the police are investigating and we have a security team here this morning making sure no one will be getting in here again. You should see them; they’re so hi-tech they could probably build the Starship Enterprise.’
‘Well, that must have been awful, having someone in your house like that. Did they take anything?’
‘We haven’t had a chance to go through everything yet, but it doesn’t look like it.’
‘Well, that’s something. So, I expect you’re both feeling a bit shaken up.’
‘A bit, but we can’t let it take over our lives. After all, we have a wedding to organise.’
‘Of course! Are you still planning to go ahead with it on December twenty-second? Have you thought more about venues?’
‘We can’t make up our minds at the moment, but when we do, you’ll be one of the first to know.’
‘OK, well don’t worry about anything here. I’ll get Avril in if I need her and field anything I can’t deal with personally.’
‘Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow. Oh, one thing you should know. I lost my handbag last night, so if you need to call, you’ll have to phone this number. My mobile was in there.’
‘Oh, OK. I will.’
‘See you.’
She went back into the kitchen where Roger and Nicholas were discussing where to put the motion sensors.
‘Could I make a suggestion?’ Freya asked.
‘Sure,’ Roger replied.
‘I don’t think having motion sensors in the bedroom would be a good idea. I don’t want half of Mayleaf woken up every night thinking there’s an air strike about to happen if the alarm goes off.’
‘Roger will tell you all about motion sensors later. They have an on and off button. That means every room in the house is open for experimentation.’ He winked at Freya.