‘Freya, have you had an episode like this before?’

‘Yes, and the very last time a doctor tried to keep me in hospital against my will, he ended up getting admitted himself.’ She tried to shuffle herself off the bed.

‘Please hear me out. I know Nick’s very worried about you.’ He put a hand on her arm.

She sat still on the bed and let out a sigh, avoiding the doctor’s gaze.

‘Have you had any episodes like this before?’ he asked again.

‘A few,’ she admitted.

‘How long ago was the last one?’ He started making notes on his clipboard.

‘It was about eight or nine months ago. But before that, I hadn’t had an attack for over ten years.’

‘And before that – ten or so years ago – did you have random attacks or was there a frequency or pattern to things?’

‘Are you sure you’re an MD and not a shrink?’

She was finding the questioning uncomfortable. She didn’t like thinking about ten years ago or any time before that.

‘Is there anything you’d like to tell me, Freya? Perhaps there’s a trigger to the attacks?’

‘I had an unsatisfactory parental role model. That seemed to affect the frequency.’

‘I see, and was that a contributing factor to tonight’s attack, do you think?’

‘Our driver, our friend, was attacked and our car was wrecked. I think it had more to do with that.’

‘OK, I’m just trying to get a little background on your condition, that’s all. Well, we did give you a sedative, Freya. But I have to tell you, your attack tonight was extremely serious. Your body actually went into shock and shock at its most acute form can cause death.’

‘Like too much alcohol, cigarettes and fried food?’

‘Much more deadly and faster acting that any of those. I think your condition is something we should start to monitor carefully.’

‘My condition?! Oh, Dr Stone, I don’t have a condition. It’s a blood pressure and a mild anxiety thing. And like I said, I haven’t had an attack for years. I even went through the deep-breathing-blowing-into-a-paper-bag course. I’m fine, honestly.’

‘Freya, it was lucky Nick got you here so quickly or we might not be having this conversation now.’

‘I don’t want tranquilisers or Valium or any other pills that are going to turn me into a head case,’ Freya stated.

‘That’s fine, I wasn’t planning on prescribing anything at present. And that leads me on to the next issue.’

‘The next issue?! Just how many issues do I have? I had nothing wrong with me an hour or so ago.’

‘Well, when you were admitted, we took some blood to run some precautionary tests. I just got the results back and…’

‘I’m not my father’s daughter? I have some rare type of DNA never been seen before?’

‘All indicators flagged up you’re pregnant.’

Freya felt her whole body stiffen. Her chest tightened and she clutched at the side of the bed. The head rush and dizziness were back.

‘Here, come on. Lie down and take a breath.’ The doctor steadied her and urged her backwards onto the pillow.

‘There must be some mistake.’

She couldn’t be pregnant. They weren’t trying. They weren’t married.