Page 92 of Mr. Devereaux

“That gives awkward a whole new meaning.”

“Just a little.”

“You also said, not that night, so you have banged her?”

I cringe. “It isn’t what you think.”

Devon knows all about my past, and I’ve mentioned Charlize in passing years ago.

“Does it matter what I think?”

“Yes, because I’m not some dirty old man.”

“I know that.”

“But I slept with her. And it gets worse.”

“Uh, oh.”

“I was so jealous that she was considering sleeping with men for money that we came to a compromise.”

“Which was?”

“It was her idea. She asked if she could be my sugar baby.”

“Holy fuck, mate. This is flying way over my head, and I’ve heard some shit before.”

“Tell me about it.”

“So she’s just after your money? Disgruntled when she had to go live back in Australia?”

“I thought that at first, but I don’t think that’s it. She admitted she was mad at me at first, but she almost seems reluctant to spend my money.”

“Just be careful — she isn’t the first gold digger to try and swindle you out of cash. The pitfalls of being rich.”

I take a long breath. I understand what he’s saying, but I also know she isn’t like that.

I could’ve written her a cheque and been done with it.

“I know it sounds cliché, but she isn’t like that.”

“Still, what do we know about this woman? Aside from that, she has your balls if you’re taking her to the manor.”

“She hasn’t got my balls,” I say. “But she is the first woman I’ve had feelings for in a long time.”

“And you’re worried how it’ll look?”

“For myself? Not so much. For her? It’s only natural. She’s fifteen years younger than me, and she used to be my stepdaughter. Granted, I saw her half a dozen times in the period when I was married to her mother…”

“Also awkward.”

“You know the deal with Abigail. We had an arrangement.”

“I just want you to be careful, AD. It sounds like you really like this chick.”

I put the phone on speaker so I can lay it down and rub my temples. “I do. That’s the problem.”

“Well, if you know she’s not a gold digger, and she’s not just in this for the money or to rip your spleen out, then what’s the problem?”