Page 61 of Mr. Devereaux

“Change of plans,” I say quickly.

She turns again, quirking a brow when our eyes meet.

“You’re packing a bag and coming to mine tonight.”

I see the delight in her eyes and my heart pounds in my chest. I realise I fucking love making her happy.

“I am?”


“Why, because you don’t like Blakefield?”

“Yes, mainly. I’ve got a guest suite, you can stay there until we arrange a more suitable apartment.”

“Come again?”

I sigh. “I don’t want you living there.”

“You’re being a snob, Alistair.”

“It’s called having superb taste, Charlize. I’m well known for it around here. Living lavishly is something you’ll have to get used to if we’re going to really do this.”

“That’s because you live in South Kensington.”

I earned every single penny I have, I won’t apologize for it. “And it’s a beautiful part of the city. Which parts of London do you love?”

She closes her eyes as I shift my eyes back to the road. “I love all of it.” I love how she sighs like she’s remembering something really great about old London Town.

“But living somewhere posh? I don’t honestly know, it seems like a lot to fork out. You might not even like me yet.”

I highly doubt that’s possible. “Think about it. I’ll need an answer tomorrow.”

And with that, it’s settled.

I’m racing into unknown territory with her and all I can think about is how good that feels.

Chapter Seventeen


I get the grand tour around Alistair’s beautiful home.

Of course, I’ve been here once already but I didn’t really get time to appreciate when I was stealing his clothes and raiding his fridge.

Aside from our agreement, I’ve no idea what I’m doing here. The man is absurd.

However what he did to me in the car — holy smokes. The man could light on fire, he’s so hot. And if he wants to please me orally like a man on a mission, who am I to stop him? It would be considered rude mid-orgasm to say, ‘Uh, Mr. Devereaux, could you stop please?’ I snort at the idea and Alistair turns to look at me.

“Something funny?”

I shake my head. “Nope.”

“I’m sorry this is short notice.” I can’t even believe he’s apologising. “But I feel much better knowing you’re here and you’re safe.”

He’s also taken on the role as my protector, for some unfathomable reason.

“Is my neighbourhood that abhorrent?”