Page 48 of Mr. Devereaux

“Why is this important?”

“I’m just trying to make a point. It’s okay for you to use escorts, but not okay for me to be one.”

He leans forward and for the first time I see real concern in his eyes. Maybe there’s hope for him after all. “No, Charlize. It isn’t okay for you to be one. We’ve discussed this. I’ll give you money if that’s what it takes — it’ll keep you out of trouble at least.”

I smirk. “Don’t bet on it. And I don’t need your money, at least, I want to earn it.”

We lock eyes and he knows exactly what I’m saying.

I wouldn’t mind being Alistair’s dirty little secret. In fact, it might even loosen him up for a while. I can’t even imagine what a night in bed would be like with him.

“Oh, you’ll earn it if you come work for me.”

I clap my hands together. “Good. It’s settled then. So you’ll make a position available for me at your office?” He hasn’t taken his eyes off me.

“I’ll work something out by the middle of the week. In the meantime, tell me more about Blakefield.”

“Why? You’ve made it obvious that you don’t like it. What is there to discuss?”

He laces his fingers together in front of him. “I don’t want any employee of mine living in an area that isn’t safe.”

So I’m an employee now? This jerk has a nerve.

“It is safe. It’s just not Knightsbridge or South Kensington, that’s why you don’t like it.”

He takes a long, exasperated sigh. “A woman like you shouldn’t be living subpar. You can’t help your circumstances and the fact your grandmother squandered all your inheritance away. For that, I’m truly sorry. I can’t see you living in that tiny, shoebox of a home, if you can even call it that.”

“Hey! I’m quite partial to my tiny shoebox, thank you.”

“Like I said, I’ll work something out.”

I fold my arms around myself, suddenly feeling a little weird about it. “I don’t want to just take your money because you feel guilty.”

“That isn’t what you’d be doing. Consider it perhaps what you’re already owed; or would’ve been owed if you’d gotten the inheritance money from your mother’s estate.”

Silence hangs between us.

I finish my entree and for the first time, Alistair picks up his fork to spear his asparagus.

This could work out lucrative for me, but I’ve never been a gold digger, nor have I ever been money hungry. I’ve learned to survive on a mere income, and I’ve made it work.

I may have been brought up with a silver spoon in my mouth until I left for college, but everything after that I had to work for. I did it once, I can do it again.

But deep down, I have to admit, spending Alistair’s money sends a thrill through me.

Does it even matter if it is guilt money? It’ll still get spent the same. I’ll put it to good use and he’ll feel better about himself. It’s win-win.

I take another sip of my champagne.

I just have to get through tonight, make a plan and then stick to it.

Once I have enough cash, I might even take an extended trip to France or Italy.

And now? Now I plan to rectify that.

Chapter Fourteen
