“Oh, yes. Hello, daddy. So nice to see you again. Oh, and Happy Birthday.”
Chapter Seven
I watch in panic as he launches himself off the bed, zips his pants back up and starts to pace.
It’s the first time I get a good look at him. He’s solidly built with muscular arms and shoulders. His hair is styled slick back off his face, longer on top, and almost completely shaved at the sides. It suits him. His jaw is tight, his perfect face annoyed as his grey eyes flash like he may explode.
Granted, I played a role in letting this go too far, but in all honesty, I was too caught up in the moment to really take it in. I wanted him. I make no excuse for it.
I had no fucking clue it was Alistair Devereaux until he said his name. Of course, I should’ve known that accent anywhere— and the fact he smells exactly the same as I remember.
Masculine. Spice mixed with citrus.
And we just got each other off. With our mouths.
“What the fuck?” he roars.
I sit back on my ass, my knees still bent as I watch him. “I said, hello dad?—”
“For fuck’s sake! Don’t say it again,” he growls. When his eyes meet mine again, he’s angry. Really fucking angry. “Charli? Why didn’t you… why didn’t you say something earlier?”
I shrug, like it’s nothing. The truth is, I hope he revels in his own fucking guilt over this. In fact, it’s the perfect revenge. I can’t help the smirk on my face.
“Before you rammed your cock down my throat, or before you ruined my pussy for all other men?”
It’s dark in here, but I can still see his skin pale. “This is wrong,” he mutters, his hands in his hair. “It’s all wrong…”
“I don’t know. It felt pretty right to me.” I shrug. Maybe it’s a ruse to save face, I mean, this is kinda wrong. “You do give good oral. I’ve never had anyone eat me out like that before. Thanks.”
His face is angry when he moves toward me quickly. “You think this is funny?”
I admit, I don’t mind the idea that I’ve got him this unglued. It serves his ass right for what he did to me when my mum died. He can suffer in his jocks for all I care.
“I didn’t say it was funny. But you have to look on the bright side.”
He’s merely inches away from me now. In all his glory.
Should I have stopped him when I knew who he was? Undoubtedly, yes. But some sick, sinister part of me wanted to see what it was like. To feel his hands and his mouth on me.
I’m not going to lie, Alistair was always a good looking guy, but now he’s seventeen years older than the last time I saw him, he’s aged to perfection.
“And what is that?” he spits.
I shrug. “We both got off.”
His face darkens. “You knew what you were doing?”
“Not at first. I had no idea who you were, up until you told me to call you Alistair.”
He runs a hand down his face, clearly put out. “And when you realised, you still let me….”
“Come down my throat?” I tilt my head and give him a smile.
He points in my face. “This was wrong.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that. I think parts of it were actually more than right. Don’t beat yourself up, it’s not like I’m going to tell anyone.”