I snort. “Famous last words.”
And indeed, they were.
Chapter Five
When Daphne called me, I didn’t know what to do. I don’t think I really expected the manager of Élégance agency to actually call me. But that’s exactly what happened.
She interviewed me.
And I got the job! I’ve got a fairly good idea how, thanks to my secret little escort friend, and to say I’m nervous is an understatement.
Now I’m at some big-ass birthday party with Neve, wondering what the hell I got myself into.
I hold the champagne glass in my hand, the details still fuzzy in my mind.
I do remember having to list all the things I would and wouldn’t do, as well as have a full medical.
Daphne was over the moon. She said she had a client who would undoubtedly love me. And this is where I am. Some rich guy's birthday party where everyone is wearing masquerade costumes and elaborate face masks.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Neve says next to me. “You look a little tense.”
“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous,” I admit. “Do the nerves get any better?”
She gives my arm a squeeze. “Yes. It’ll always be weird the first time, but it’ll get easier, and you’ll honestly start to enjoy it. If you don’t, then you stop. You don’t have to do anything, Charli. Remember that.”
She makes it sound so easy, but then again she’s been doing this for four years.
“Who is this guy anyway?” I wonder, glancing around the massive room.
This house — correction, mansion — is freaking unbelievable.
In the huge ballroom there are tables around the outskirts all adorned in beautiful, silken tablecloths. Huge, silver candelabras sit in the middle of each table with matching silver napkins standing upright in champagne flutes. There’s a massive chandelier glittering in the middle of the room, the entire setup screams money. And this dude has a lot of it.
There’s a band playing outside under a marquee, the music drifting in through the open doors as the tail end of summer still lingers in the air.
I wore emerald green. Apparently it looks good with my colouring or so I’ve been told, and the man I’m meeting tonight loves leggy blondes, green being his favourite colour.
“Unfortunately, I don’t know much. Time didn’t permit to ask the other girls. As far as I know, Mr. D — as he’s affectionately known — has been off the escort circle for a little while, but Daphne said you’d be perfect for him, right?”
“Yep, she did.”
Neve clapped her hands when I stood and she took my measurements. I didn’t know whether to jump like a monkey in a circus or act cool and calm. At least she was enthusiastic about my appearance, because let’s face it, that’s all this is about.
It’s just my body. It’s not my mind, or my soul. It’s just sex. I’ve had plenty of one-night stands — albeit a lot of them weren’t all that great — and if I’m really lucky, this guy will be really, really good. It occurs to me that he could be a dud. That I’m the one that’s supposed to do all the work pleasing him, not the other way round.
I run through the list of things that this mysterious Mr. D likes on the card Daphne gave me.
Giving and receiving oral sex
Holy shit.
So if he’s a giver, I could be in for a very interesting evening.
We’re also at this dude’s birthday party, and he’s forty-five, so that’s only fifteen years older than me. Nothing too crazy. I just need to get a fucking gander at him so I can suss the guy out and see if he’s hot or not. I don’t even want to think about if he’s some fat, balding guy… but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
I’ve got strict instructions.