Page 13 of Mr. Devereaux

I could honestly kill my sister.

I type back a quick reply, otherwise Mum will call me, and I really don’t need George — the tailor’s — hands anywhere close to my nether region.


A little over the top, don’t you think?

Mum and Layne are both avid texters, though sometimes when my mother is on a roll, it never fucking ends.

I see the grey bubble appear and I sigh. George looks up at me and I roll my eyes. He’s used to me.

“My mother,” I explain.

He nods, a little sympathy in his look.


That’s not a very positive attitude, Alistair

Uh, oh, she’s using my first name. Excellent.


You know, your sister and I have put a lot of effort into this party and you could act a little more enthusiastic


THANKS MUM. YOU’RE THE BEST! ?????? Is that better?


There’s no need for sarcasm. I should’ve known. Layne tried to warn me.


That I hate parties? Not exactly hiding it


Darling, I know you don’t like the idea of getting older…

I laugh. Is that what it is?


But age is just a number… how is Jennifer?

I groan, earning me another look from George. “Stand up straight please, Mr. Devereaux.”

“Right, sorry,” I say, my patience growing thin.

Mother keeps trying to thrust Jennifer on me. She’s from an affluent family, and my mum and her mum are good friends. In her mind, it’d be a perfect match. The only thing is, I don’t want to fuck any of my mother’s friends’ daughters.

That can never be a good thing. Not with my track record.

The last thing I want is my sexual escapades — and my inability to remember to call the next day — publicised to my mother of all people.

Of course, she wants grandbabies. And at forty-five, she’s still hanging on for dear life. I think she knows deep down it’s not going to happen, but she still has hope.