He’s playful today, and this is how I like him.
He’s wearing a wool coat and a scarf with jeans and boots. I’ve never seen a man look so sexy in outdoor gear.
“I don’t know about that.”
“How come you never settled down… after… you know?”
He takes a long gulp of his orange juice and meets my gaze. “It just never felt right. To be honest, after your mother, I vowed I’d never do anything like that ever again. If something didn’t feel right, then I walked away.”
“Do you think she was ever happy?” The thought saddens me.
“I think there were times, but because she could never stand up to your grandmother, she suppressed a lot.”
“Tell me about it.”
He gives me a chin lift. “How come you’re so different?”
I look down at my plate. “Therapy.”
“You had therapy?”
I clear my throat. “At my friend's insistence. Yes.” When I glance up, his face is hard.
“Tell me what happened.”
“You know what happened.”
“Not all of it.”
“You don’t want to hear about how she really was behind closed doors.”
“Charlize. I’m so sorry…”
“You’ve no idea how angry she’d get,” I whisper. “The first time she hit me, I was about ten, that’s when Mum moved to the UK. She vowed that I’d never be left in her care again. For a while, things were good.”
His eyes fill with remorse and regret. “And it continued when you went back to Australia?”
“Without the protection of my mum?” I laugh without humour. “She was just a bitter, twisted old woman. But I’ve made peace with it. I promise.”
His hand reaches for mine across the table. “If I could take it all back, I would.”
I shake my head. “No. Because that would be weird… if I’d actually grown up with you. I like where things are now, Alistair. I like being here, with you.” I so want him to tell me that he feels the same way, that he wants this too. Whatever this is.
As much as he looks like he might want to say something, he clamps his mouth shut.
I get it’s hard for him. He’s a man of few words, but I fear that I will never truly know the way to Alistair’s heart.
While Alistair’s in the bathroom, I get another text.
No number
Hello beautiful. I haven’t heard from you. I’m sorry if I came off pushy the other day, it wasn’t my intention. But I’d still love to meet up… if you’re interested?
This just feels kinda creepy.
I take a breath and then I decide to thumb back my reply.