Page 109 of Mr. Devereaux

“You know what I’m talking about. The guy! The one who offered you more money to sleep with you and you just couldn’t resist, could you? What did it take, all of two seconds?”

She gapes at me as I stop and glare at her across the. “Wait… I didn’t…”

“Yes, you did!” I roar. “I know all about it.”

She shakes her head, her face pale as she tries to weasel out of it. I didn’t expect it. I’ll be honest. It came out of left field.

“You’re an ass!” she yells back at me. “First, I didn’t do anything! Some weird guy messaged me and offered me more money to be with him and I refused.”

“Refused after how many days of thinking about it? And that’s not what I’ve heard. You jumped at the chance.”

She narrows her eyes. “Wait. Did you set this up?”

“Let’s get back to the real issue at hand; you're leaving me!”

She stands her ground. “You pretentious prick! You had some creep message me to find out if I was legit? Why would you do that?”

“It proved a point, didn’t it?”

“It proves nothing of the sort. I told him that I was in love with you and to fuck off.”

I stand there unhearing. “What?” She’s in love with me? But that’s not what Devon told me. She must be lying to try and get out of it. Charlize has no clue about Devon.

She puts her hands on her hips. “Whoever this asshole is, he’s lying. And I can prove it.” She pulls out her phone and lobs it at me. I catch it just before it hits me in the head.

“I don’t want to read your texts.”

“Why, are you scared you’ll learn the truth?” She gives me the passcode, yelling each number out like a curse. It’s her birthday, I realise.

I run a hand through my hair. When I don’t open the phone she stomps toward me, snatches the phone and puts the passcode in, handing it back to me. “Here, because you think I’m such a liar, have a read. And for the record, I can see this is completely one-sided, so maybe we should be grateful it didn’t go any further.” She turns on her heels and stalks out muttering “asshole” under her breath, leaving me with her open phone.

I palm the back of my head, confused. I read the texts and my eyes go wide. Oh, holy fuck.

“Charlize?” I call. She doesn’t answer. I scramble for my phone on the floor, cracked and in pieces. By some miracle the screen is broken but readable. I see the second text from Devon.


Just kidding, you dick. This was a stupid idea in the first place. Your girl loves you. Fuck knows why. She must have rocks in her head.

“No,” I say out loud. “No.” I race through the house to find Charlize. She’s upstairs, flinging things into her suitcase. “Charlize, I’m sorry. I’m a dick.”

She turns and pushes past me, stomping toward the bathroom. “You’ve got that right. Now leave me alone, jerk face. I’m done with you.”

“I was jealous,” I say. “I needed to know if any of this was really about me or if it was just the money and prestige.”

“So you got one of your friends to pretend to be into me?”

“Yes. Deep down, how could I know if you really liked me? Me. I’ve had so many women come into my life who were gold diggers. I didn’t think it mattered because I knew what they were and I never intended to settle down with any of them. But you’re different.”

“Ha! You were pretty happy with me spending your money when you were paying me to fuck you though!” she spits. I’ve never seen her so angry.

“Charli, please.”

“Don’t call me that.” She wipes tears from her eyes and I’ve never felt so bad in my entire life. Well, maybe one other time and that involved her leaving, too. “Only my friends call me Charli. And you, Alistair Devereaux, are not my friend!”

I get down on my knees. “Please just hear me out. I can’t end things like this.” She turns to look down at me. “I love you, Charlize. That’s why I did this. It was stupid. I’m not making justifications for it, but I couldn’t tell you how I felt because deep down, I never thought I had a real shot with you. I didn’t know what I would do if you walked out on me one day, like I did to you. Maybe that’s why; because I thought I deserved the same treatment. Deep down I know I’m not good enough, I never will be.”

She stares at me. “I’ve told you so many times that I don’t blame you. No matter what I say, you won’t believe me. And this isn’t all about you. Shocker, I know. You’ll just go off without even finding out the facts first, something I’m learning that I really don’t like about you.”