Page 14 of Suck and Blow

I was actually getting pissed with myself that I was letting this consume me so much. It was my own fault for looking him up online. Because now I couldn’t concentrate on anything else.

My father sat back down with the dessert and coffee, but before he could dig in, my mother said, “Honey, let’s give the two of them time to talk,” and then she and Dad took their tiramisu and cup of coffee and left.

For a moment, there was this pregnant pause of discomfort and awkwardness as Leland and I just sat there.

“If it makes you feel any better, my father was the one who brought up this dinner tonight,” he said and leaned back.

He was a burly man, resembling a lumberjack more than somebody I envisioned a construction worker to look like. He wore a nice flannel shirt with a white tee under it, the first few buttons of the former undone. He was built like an offensive lineman with tree-trunk sized biceps and a dad bod that I’m sure got him a lot of female appreciation.

I cocked an eyebrow at what he said. I was surprised it was his father who set this all up. My dad had been the one to act like he put all the puzzle pieces in place.

Leland scrubbed his big hand over his scruffy cheeks and jaw and grinned. His straight, white teeth flashed behind his lips. “Our fathers are a lot alike.”

I snorted and grabbed my glass of water, taking a long drink. “So your parents like to meddle in your business as well?”

He let out a bark of laughter and grabbed his beer to take a hefty swig before he answered. “You have no idea. It’s just me, my dad, and my younger brother. My mom passed away several years back. Our dads meddle but for a good reason. They just want us to be happy.”

I couldn’t argue that point.

He continued, “Neither of my parents had any siblings, so it’s just us. And my younger brother has made it clear he has no plans to be in a relationship any time soon. He’s focused on his career.” He shrugged. “So my dad has made it his life’s mission to play Cupid for me. Thinks I’m getting up there in age.” He chuckled. “A few gray hairs doesn’t mean I’m that old.” He winked, and I laughed.

There was a moment of silence, and then I said softly, “I’m really sorry to hear about your mom.”

He gave me a sweet smile and shrugged. “Thanks. It was a long time ago. Fuck cancer, am I right?”

I held up my water glass. “Cheers to that.” We clinked our glasses together.

“My parents are nosy where my life is concerned, but they’ve never gone so far as to hook me up. This is a first.”

He didn’t respond, but I wasn’t looking for one. I was trying not to think about Anthony and what we shared last night. I wasn’t even focused on the fact that he was the CEO of where I worked.

Although the latter did come as a shock, I was more focused on how I felt when I’d been with him.

Free. Exhilarated. Euphoric.

And as I stared at Leland, I knew I didn’t want this. He was handsome and seemed smart and witty. He was strong and had ambition. But he wasn’t Anthony, and I wanted to explore why I thought that.

“So, Leland,” I said softly.

He chuckled again. “I can tell in those two words and in that tone where this is headed.” He wore a small smile.

To be honest, I’d never really turned anyone down. I was the one who always got dumped, mostly for being “boring,” because I didn’t want to go out and do crazy things. I was a homebody. I’d also never been the person who went out of their way to be an extrovert and make the first move.

But the truth of the matter was, the way I was constantly thinking about Anthony made me want to explore these feelings. I’d never done something so bold in my life, so I didn’t know if the fact that he consumed my thoughts was just par for the course.

But either way, I’d be doing a disservice to both Leland and me if I didn’t at least try to make sense of what I felt for Anthony. And something deep down in me said I’d also regret not trying… even if it led nowhere.

Leland stood before I could speak again, and I glanced up at him. “It was a pleasure having dinner with you, Pyper. I’m glad we met. If things don’t work out with the man consuming your thoughts, give me a call. I’d love to take you out.”

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. He gave me one more wink and left, murmuring a goodbye to my parents in passing, who were still in the living room, before I heard the front door open and close.

I sat there a moment just staring at my water glass.

Three. Two?—

“How did it go?”

I chuckled after hearing my mother, knowing she’d be in here before I could even form a thought. I looked at her and smiled. “It was fine. He’s a really nice guy.” I checked my phone and saw the time. “I’ll help you clean up, but I gotta head home. I have to get up early for work.” The look I gave my mother spoke loud enough that she didn’t probe.