“I’m fine,” I immediately spoke up, but my trembling gave me away. Logan stepped into my space, lifting his hands with a question on his face. “Please hold me,” I whispered. He didn’t need to be told twice. He pulled the glasses from my hands, setting them somewhere, before his large arms wrapped themselves around me.

“I’m calling the police,” John announced from the hallway, still towering over a glowering Connor.

“That’s not necessary,” Connor argued, “You’re overreacting!”

“Shut the fuck up.” John flinched towards Connor, who flinched back as he stared up at the large Thor-looking man.

“Thank you,” I whispered, squeezing against Logan’s chest, “Thank you.”

Logan shook his head, a movement I could only feel on the top of my head where his chin rested, and we didn’t need to say any more. I stayed there, trembling in Logan’s arms while John ensured that his agent stayed on the ground until the police came.

Logan walked me out into the hallway, carefully placing his body between me and Connor so I didn’t have to look at him. He had pulled out his phone with one hand, reassuring his grip on me with a comforting squeeze with his other, and typed out a message. A few minutes later, I heard the elevator ding and suddenly, Courtney and Taylor were both running into the hallway towards where Logan and I had slumped onto the ground, my trembling and heart rate felt out of control.

“Are you okay?” Taylor asked before shaking their head. “Stupid question, how can I help?”

“Do you need anything?” Courtney asked. They both had fallen to their knees on either side of Logan and me, and a relieved sob broke from my lips as tears started to slowly fall from my cheeks.

“I’m okay,” I shook my head, “I mean, I’m not. But I’m okay.”

Courtney’s expression turned thunderous as she sat taller on her knees to look around Logan and John, probably making eye contact with the worst mistake of my life before declaring in a calm but furious tone, “I am so relieved that you lost the custody battle.” I hadn’t known that had happened, but I felt a weird amount of relief expand in my chest as well, knowing that Connor’s ex-wife had the good sense to both leave him and fight for their child.

“Fucking bitch,” Connor spat back, making me wince.

“I’d stop talking until you have a lawyer present, asshole,” John threatened. A couple doors opened down the hall and the faces of Logan’s teammates were starting to poke their heads out to see what the commotion was.

I faded in and out of what was happening around me then, the shock of the situation starting to kick in as it kept me from processing my surroundings fully. I didn’t even remember the police showing up, they were just suddenly there, shooing the rest of Logan’s team back into their rooms unless they had useful statements to give them regarding what happened.

I did catch a few details though, like how Logan had fired Connor as his agent weeks ago. How Connor clearly thought that I had pressured or convinced Logan to do so because of our history. How John, who had no idea what was going on between his agent and I, was more than happy to fire Connor as well.

I didn’t convince those men to do anything, but I had slumped against Logan even more knowing that I wouldn’t have to face him anymore.

I did hear the police mention video footage in the vending machine area, and I hid my face against his button-up shirt. His large hands made soothing passes down my back, my arms, my legs, my neck, whatever part of me he could touch. As if he was both trying to reassure me and himself that I was okay. That I was here, and that he had me.

After giving my statement to the police, I didn’t want to stick around to wait for John and Connor to give their official statements. The police did ask if Logan would stick around to give his, and Courtney volunteered to interpret for him.

With that, Taylor pulled me to my feet and led me back to Logan’s room.

“I’m so sorry, Lo,” Taylor helped me dress down into just the jersey I was still wearing, pulling the covers on the bed back and tucking me in nice and tight, before sitting on the other side of the bed above the covers and reaching for the TV remote.

“Courtney and I couldn’t find much on the TV in our room,” they shrugged, snuggling in so that even though they sat above the covers, they pressed the entirety of their body against my side. I didn’t realize that I would appreciate that contact after an event like this, but I rested my head on their arm that held the remote as they flipped through the channels.

“Thanks.” My voice was small, but my trembling was slowly being replaced with what felt like pure exhaustion.

“Don’t mention it,” they replied, “I’m just glad Logan found you.”

We sat in silence as Taylor flipped through channels, adrenaline leaving my body with each channel that they snubbed without explanation. My eyes were staring at the TV, but I wasn’t seeing what was on it. I wasn’t even thinking about what had just happened to me moments before this.

Instead, I was thinking about Logan. How he held me tight just now, and almost every other moment I shared with him.

How he tried to talk to me at the townhouse the second time we met, clearly trying to be less of a socially repressed asshole even though I was too stubborn to see it. How Logan was ready to tease me and act like the rest of our friends, and I responded by attacking him with pie. How he checked in with me after showing up at my workplace, how he showed up outside my bedroom window when he realized he hurt my feelings again and didn’t want me to go to bed before he could apologize.

How he slammed up against the plexiglass at the first hockey game of his I attended.

How he rested his hand against the plexiglass earlier tonight, as if he would take what he could in that moment.

It was wild, how a relationship with a person could change so dramatically over time. How even though Taylor’s presence was nothing but comfort right now, I still longed for the man outside talking to the police with Courtney. How I wanted him beside me. How I wanted to feel his arms wrap around me as I fell asleep, like so many nights before this one. Before we even decided to claim each other from anyone else. How even just his physical presence was soothing to me.

I grinned a little, snuggling under the covers some more before releasing a heavy breath in exhaustion. “I’m glad that Logan and I found each other,” I said in response to Taylor’s earlier statement.