My hands wrapped themselves around her waist, and the feminine squeal she made when I lifted her up and walked us toward her bed made me grin against her lips.

“Remember when we used to hate each other?” Eloise asked with a whisper as I set her on her feet again, kissing me before I could even think about responding to that question and mumbling against my lips, “I was so stupid.”

I smiled into her kisses again, one of my hands snaking up her shirt and palming her back in between her shoulder blades. After a second, I decided to be bolder and let my fingers find the clasp of her bra before pinching it and disconnecting the garment immediately.

“Naked, naked, naked,” Eloise panted, fisting the hem of my t-shirt, and pulling it up for me to remove. I halted her progress by taking her bottom lip in both of mine, tracing my tongue along the plump flesh of it, and tugging.

Eloise’s whimper when I did that made me want to pound my chest in male pride. I pulled away just enough for me to grab the back of my collar and tug the shirt off my body in one smooth motion.

Just like the men did in a couple of her romance novels that I read.

Eloise’s bright eyes quickly lowered at the motion, and then grew heavy-lidded as her gaze scanned the entirety of my torso. I knew what I looked like. It was the result of a strict diet regimen and regular exercise. I saw her hands twitch at her sides once as I grabbed her wrists and encouraged her to press her palms flat against my chest, sliding them down just to the top of my abs before I lifted my hands to sign at her, waiting for her eyes to tear themselves away from my chest to do so.

I never hated you.

Eloise blinked, “You strongly disliked me.”

I smirked and shook my head once, signing and mouthing, I was an ass and lashed out. Eloise smirked back at that. I never hated you.

Her gaze cleared a little as she processed that.

“I’m sorry, but I definitely hated you a little.” Eloise frowned as she let her fingers trace the shape of my abdomen. I used my left hand to grab her chin and tilt it back up toward me before I responded.

I know, I signed with my right hand, You were cute.

Eloise scrunched her nose while she repeated that sign back to me in question, cute?

I nodded once and let my face relax into a less teasing expression before I asked, You don’t hate me now?

“God no,” Eloise breathed, releasing her grip on my abs to tuck her hands underneath her shirt, fidgeting with her loose bra on her shoulders. “I don’t want to rip the clothes off of people that I hate, generally.” She paused at that. “I am very intentional with the people I sleep with now.”

I frowned; We are more than sex. It wasn’t a question on my end.

Eloise pulled her shirt off, took her bra with it, and dropped the clothing to the floor, responding, “I know.” I exhaled in relief, slightly distracted by her nakedness. “You really caught me by surprise, Logan.” Eloise tucked her thumbs into the waistband of her shorts and quickly pulled them down, leaving her completely naked except for the lacy black thong and the inked artwork that decorated her skin.

I took my time staring at her, becoming easily distracted by the heated look in her eyes as I kept my hands to myself and admired the staggering beauty that was Eloise Bane. I was so fucking grateful to be this intimate with her, that she trusted me enough to be this vulnerable with me.

“Hey,” Eloise’s voice made me lose focus from the flower tattoos on her hip and thigh so that I could meet her eyes again, “I—” she cleared her throat once, a smile breaking across her face, “I want you to touch me. I’m excited for you to touch me.”

I nodded. First, I wanted as much contact with her skin as possible, so I unbuttoned my jeans and shoved them down my legs at an embarrassing speed, leaving my gray compression boxers on as I stood tall and crowded her space. Her eyes widened as I started to crouch, bending just enough to get a good grip on the backs of her thighs before I stood tall and tossed her into the middle of her bed. The bounce her body made as she hit the mattress did amazing things to her breasts, and I felt my mouth watering as I quickly crawled over her and lowered my head, ready to give them the attention that they deserved.

“Oh lord,” Eloise wheezed.

I always remembered how responsive she was when I did this to her the first time, my mind scrambling as I licked the hardened tip and gently bit down.

Her hands couldn’t figure out where to go. They were on my neck, my chest, my arms that were caging her in as I kissed one of her breasts and teased the other with my fingers. Her hips started jerking against my stomach, and I pressed my weight into her a little bit more to tease her more.

“You’re killing me,” Eloise breathed.

I fully intended to. I wanted to see Eloise come undone. I was the one who could make her smile in that relaxed way she did every time she came down from the high of orgasm.

I felt my hand smooth down her side, gripping the flesh of her hip right over her tattoos there before I lowered my head and kissed the bouquet of flowers on her ribs.

Then I took her hand with the other flower tattoos and pinned it to the mattress so that I could lean over and kiss those, too. She snuck her free hand into my hair, tugging me towards her face. I quickly planted one firm kiss against her lips before I pulled against her grip to slide down her body, thoroughly kissing the artwork on her hip.

“Are you kissing my tattoos?” Eloise huffed a laugh with her question. I had no idea how to explain that I wanted to claim every inch of her skin with my mouth, because I was a mess, so I let my gaze get snagged on hers as I dragged my tongue from the outside of her thigh and inward, where I could see slickness shining on either side of her lacy thong.

“Oh, fuck me,” Eloise’s head fell back on the mattress, and I found myself unwilling to let go of my grip on her legs as I spread them apart, settling my shoulders in between so that I could use a finger to tug the side of her underwear out of my way.