Logan was flushed, and his chest heaved as he lifted a hand to wipe the chocolate from his cheek.
Courtney was laughing. “She totally played you, Logan.”
I bit my lip, feeling a little trapped because Logan’s large body was blocking the only exit out of the kitchen.
Logan smirked at me, sucking the chocolate off of his fingers before taking a step back and reaching behind himself to open the refrigerator.
I narrowed my eyes at him.
“What are you—?” The question died on Josh’s lips because Logan quickly pulled out a bottle of chocolate syrup before closing the refrigerator door. His dark eyes leveled with mine as he flipped the lid of the bottle open.
“Don’t you dare.” I held up a finger towards him in warning, but I was giggling from the high of playing with him like this. Especially in front of everyone. Logan’s eyes searched mine for a little bit, clearly trying to read me.
I sunk my bottom teeth into my lip, my eyes clearly trying to find an escape route around him.
Logan just smiled, before charging me.
I squealed loud, and without shame, before quickly ducking around his side and sprinting out of the kitchen.
“Oh no!” Beck gasped at the same time Josh shouted, “Get her, Logan!”
I made it to the living room, jumping over the couch and turning around quickly to see Logan pausing on the other side of the furniture, his chocolate syrup bottle still in hand.
I faked going left, and his body followed my movements too quickly to be fooled.
He stayed put, stalking towards me.
“Run, Lo! Run!” Courtney encouraged with a flap of her hand.
I grinned at Logan before officially going right, towards the hallway and staircase.
He was hot on my heels, and my heart was racing with the thrill of being chased by him. The adrenaline rush was one I hadn’t experienced before, and I fucking loved it.
I almost went down the hallway, before deciding not to bother Susan and sprinting up the staircase instead.
Logan almost lost his footing when I changed directions so quickly, but he recovered enough to grab the banister and propel his body up after mine. Even though I was sprinting up the stairs, I was laughing. I was laughing almost hysterically as my body struggled to outrun the current professional athlete.
I went for my bedroom, knowing that there was a lock on the door before I realized that in half a second Logan would catch me no matter what.
However, I could fight back if I went to the bathroom.
So I did.
Logan barged in after me, a victorious grin on his face as he cornered me in the small space. His presence took up the entirety of the bathroom as I backed away with my hands out in defense, as if I was taming a wild animal instead of the man that I was developing big feelings for.
He shook his head once, letting me accept my fate as he slowly advanced on me enough to make me step back into the tub.
Right when our friend's faces appeared in the bathroom doorway, laughing, and cheering for me to escape, I switched on the water and detached the showerhead, aiming it at his chest.
Logan spluttered for half a second before jumping into the tub with me and squirting an alarming amount of chocolate syrup all over my hair and face.
“No!” Courtney’s arms fell to her sides, her shoulders slumping in disappointment even though her smile lit up her face at the sight of Logan and I struggling against each other in the shower.
I had one hand on his wrist that was squirting syrup all over me.
He had one hand on my wrist that was spraying water all over his chest and face.
Within a handful of exhilarating seconds, Logan and I were both a mess.