Everyone in this room remembered pie-maggedon, as Courtney so lovingly dubbed the event. The day I tried to be nice to Logan and offer him a slice of pie, but because I had little to no understanding of American Sign Language, I offered him vagina instead.
…An offer he later cashed in on, happily.
Multiple times.
I had grown since that day that felt so long ago. I wasn’t embarrassed or intimidated by him anymore. I didn’t feel humiliated any time anyone in the group poked fun at me, because we all poked fun at each other. That was the comfort of it all. We could tease and play and forgive and no one ever held a grudge. This was a safe space. So, I made direct eye contact with Logan again, trying to hide the humor from my expression by masking it with confusion and innocence. I widened my eyes and signed.
Are you horny?
Logan exhaled, huffing his form of laughter as he dropped his hand and shook his head at me.
Josh and Courtney cackled, while Beck peeked at us between her fingers that were covering her face in secondhand embarrassment. Adam just watched the two of us with amusement.
I frowned at Logan, You’re not horny? I signed, offering him the cookie in my hand once again as if I was still clueless as to what my mess up was.
Logan shook his head again and stepped towards me, his large body towering over mine and reminding some very specific parts of me how much I liked that. How I wasn’t intimidated by him anymore. Now, I was just excited.
Logan grabbed my hand that I was signing with and guided the movement correctly, hungry. He even mouthed the word for me so I would understand.
Before he could do more, I nodded my head at him, repeating the incorrect sign.
“Right, hungry.” Horny.
Logan shook his head again, his bottom lip bitten in between his teeth while the others laughed, Taylor even wiped tears from their eyes at the comedy of this moment. History repeating itself. Logan’s grip on my hand tightened, halting my repetitive sign. I could see that Logan was struggling. He wanted to tease me so badly, but the last time he did, I shoved a plate of pie in his chest.
We had a lot of animosity between us then.
We didn’t now, but he clearly didn’t know where my boundary with teasing was in front of everyone.
It was so, so sweet.
I almost felt bad for faking my confusion.
“Someone tell her,” Josh chuckled, wrapping an arm around Courtney’s shoulders and smothering his laughter in her hair.
“Um, Lo—” Beck started, but snapped her mouth shut when I suddenly stepped into Logan’s space. I was so close to him that I had to arch my neck to look up. I had to keep one of my hips against the countertop to make room for one of my feet to stand in between his, but he didn’t retreat.
Logan did drop his grip on my hand though, and his eyes became the slightest bit hooded at my sudden nearness.
“Did I sign something wrong?” I asked, widening my eyes in false distress as I took a small bite out of the cookie, splitting a large chocolate chunk with my teeth. I made what I would best describe as puppy-dog eyes at Logan as I chewed, but his eyes bounced between my gaze and my mouth.
Everyone else in the room quieted as they watched us.
I took my thumb and brushed the rest of the gooey chocolate chip from my cookie, before lifting my thumb near my mouth. “…Are you sure you’re not?” I asked, my voice low and sultry, which took little effort on my part to accomplish. Logan always made me feel sexy, he brought out the wild woman in me.
I halted before the tip of my tongue came out and tasted the melted chocolate on my thumb, loving how Logan’s eyes watched me intently before I lifted my thumb towards his parted lips.
“…Are you hungry, Logan?” I hardly recognized myself. This was the flirtiest I had ever been with him in front of this group. But I didn’t care. Logan was staring at my thumb like it pained him, and I could see his hand balled into a tight fist as it rested on the counter next to us.
I stretched up on my tiptoes, resting my arm against his chest to keep my thumb near his lips as I leaned in close to him and whispered, “Or are you…something else?”
Logan blinked and his eyes landed on mine, and I could see the switch flip in his brain as he realized I was teasing him.
I faintly remembered hearing Taylor mumble something along the lines of, “Fuck me” as they watched me playfully seduce Logan, but those words didn’t receive acknowledgement because as soon as I knew that Logan was on to me, I smeared the chocolate from my thumb onto his face.
He stiffened, and the others gasped in surprise as I fell back on my heels and backed away a couple steps. My smile was uncontrollable, and I set the bitten gooey cookie down on the countertop as I gauged his response at my playful prank.