Pat leaned forward, exchanging a look with Courtney before they both focused on me and Courtney continued, “Between you and him. I know you mentioned that you hooked up before”—I glanced at Pat, embarrassed that my boss now knew why I was uncomfy around a former client’s parent, but her expression held no judgment—“But was that…it?”
I shook my head, “We just hooked up one time. And yeah, it wasn’t great.” I huffed a laugh that didn’t sound too funny to me.
Pat gave Courtney another look, before asking me, “Did he hurt you?”
I widened my eyes, “What? No.” I shook my head again for good measure. “I mean, I didn’t enjoy it. But he didn’t force himself or anything. I consented.” I thought back to the night for a moment, remembering just how immediately turned off I felt after I realized how much I didn’t enjoy his touch. But I’d already made it that far, and he clearly had no intention of stopping, so I figured I would just rip off the band-aid and then leave as soon as possible afterward.
“Okay,” Courtney’s brows furrowed a little, “But he has reached out to you, right? Do you think his behavior is feeling dangerous?”
I could feel myself frown at her question, “No, no he isn’t dangerous.” Maybe just kind of a creep, and clearly clueless, but not dangerous. I thought for a moment, determined to ease their worries, “He’s just, I don’t know, annoying. He isn’t taking the hint.”
“Is he stalking you?” Pat asked. I felt my cheeks burn with humiliation. Dear god, how terrified did I look? I must have looked like a mess if this was where their line of questioning was leading. I quickly gave them a smile that was still on this side of wobbly before I reached out and touched Courtney’s hand.
“No, no,” I shook my head, “I am positive it was just a bad coincidence today. I didn’t tell him I worked here. We know one of the players, and he was even surprised to see us here.”
Pat and Courtney glanced at each other again before Pat nodded once and stood up from her chair.
“Thank you, though,” I didn’t want to brush off Pat’s concern. I smiled at her and took a deep breath before continuing, “I appreciate you checking in. I’m sorry I got a little spooked.”
“You’re welcome, and don’t apologize.” Pat reached forward to squeeze my arm before standing again, “Take all the time you need in here. If you need to go home, just let me know. I’m sorry I even took the meeting with him in the first place, Eloise.”
“Don’t be. Please, don’t be.” I waved her apology away, wiping away the second stray tear of relief that fell down my cheek. “I wanted to be brave about it. I didn’t realize how anxious I would be until now.”
“Of course, no problem at all.” Pat squeezed my arm once more and left, leaving Courtney and me in the room.
My phone buzzed in my pocket, and because I was thankful for a distraction, I pulled it out to immediately see who was reaching out.
My heart skipped when I read Logan’s name in the text message.
Logan: Are you all right?
A nervous giggle fueled by the remaining adrenaline in my veins escaped my lips at his message, allowing Courtney to lean over my shoulder to read it. She rested her head on my shoulder as I typed back a reply to him.
Me: I’m fine. I just wasn’t expecting Daddy James to show up at my work today.
Logan: Fuck. I was worried it was because *I* showed up at your work today.
Logan: I was ready to apologize for ruining your day and everything.
Me: I mean, you brought him. So you can still apologize if you want.
Logan: I’m sorry for bringing Connor. I had no idea that my agent was the “Daddy James” Courtney had told me about.
Courtney giggled, “Look at you two, texting each other without insulting each other.” I smiled at her encouragement, pinching her thigh a little in response to her teasing. She slapped my hand away and lifted her head off of my shoulder to rest her elbows on the table.
“I know.” I let my brows furrow. “I don’t think I have ever texted him casually like this…did you tell Logan why I was so uncomfortable around Connor?”
“No,” Courtney replied. “When you were sitting there stunned at the front desk, I just told him that you weren’t looking forward to seeing Daddy James. I never said why. I don’t think I would have had time to, anyway.”
I nodded.
Taylor had already told me before that I didn’t need to justify why I had chosen to sleep with Connor, and that I was allowed to make that decision for myself and regret it afterward. However, part of me didn’t want Logan to know the details of why I had been so uncomfortable around him simply due to pride and embarrassment.
Another part of me weirdly wanted him to know, for reasons I couldn’t quite explain yet.
“Want to watch Persuasion tonight?” Courtney asked, rubbing my arm and providing the comfort I didn’t need to ask for. I nodded my head and pocketed my phone, letting the conversation naturally end with the sometimes kind, large man.